2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00

183 lines
5.2 KiB

#pragma once
// FILE: XMLWriter.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.3.0
// DATE: 2013-11-06
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for creating XML
#include "Arduino.h"
#define XMLWRITER_VERSION (F("0.3.0"))
// for comment()
#define NOMULTILINE false
#define MULTILINE true
// for tagOpen(), tagEnd()
#define NEWLINE true
#define NONEWLINE false
#define NOINDENT false // for tagClose()
// for tagEnd()
#define SLASH true
#define NOSLASH false
// deepness of XML tree 5..10
// needed for stack of tagStack
#define XMLWRITER_MAXLEVEL 5 // adjust for deeper nested structures
#define XMLWRITER_MAXTAGSIZE 15 // adjust for longer fields - !! eats memory !!
// reduce footprint by commenting next line
// configuration - setConfig
#define XMLWRITER_NONE 0x00
// uncomment next line to reduce ~30bytes RAM in escape() (AVR oonly)
// #define __PROGMEM__
class XMLWriter : public Print
// default = Serial
XMLWriter(Print* stream = &Serial, uint8_t bufsize = 10);
void reset();
// to show/strip comment, indent, newLine
// to minimize the output setConfig(0);
void setConfig(uint8_t cfg) { _config = cfg; };
// standard XML header
void header();
// prints XMLWRITER_VERSION as comment
void version();
// prints debug information into the XML as comment
void debug();
// if multiline == true it does not indent to allow bigger text blocks
// <!-- text -->
void comment(const char* text, const bool multiLine = false);
// add a number of newlines to the output, default = 1.
void newLine(uint8_t n = 1);
// TAG
// <tag>
void tagOpen(const char* tag, const bool newline = true);
// <tag name="name">
void tagOpen(const char* tag, const char* name, const bool newline = true);
// </tag>
void tagClose(const bool ind = true);
// <tag
void tagStart(const char* tag);
// field="value"
void tagField(const char* field, const char* value);
// />
void tagEnd(const bool newline = true, const bool addSlash = true);
// <tag>value</tag>
void writeNode(const char* tag, const char* value);
// typically 0,2,4; default == 2;
// multiple of 2;
void setIndentSize(const uint8_t size = 2) { _indentStep = size; };
uint8_t getIndentSize() { return _indentStep; };
// for manual layout control
void incrIndent() { _indent += _indentStep; };
void decrIndent() { _indent -= _indentStep; };
void indent();
void raw(const char * str) { print(str); };
void tagField(const char* field, const uint8_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const uint16_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const uint32_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const int8_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const int16_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const int32_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const int value, const int base = DEC);
void tagField(const char* field, const bool value);
void tagField(const char* field, const float value, const uint8_t decimals = 2);
void tagField(const char* field, const double value, const uint8_t decimals = 2);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const uint8_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const uint16_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const uint32_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const int8_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const int16_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const int32_t value, const uint8_t base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const int value, const int base = DEC);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const bool value);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const float value, const uint8_t decimals = 2);
void writeNode(const char* tag, const double value, const uint8_t decimals = 2);
// expands the special xml chars
void escape(const char* str);
// One need to call flush() at the end of writing to empty the internal buffer.
// Note: this is overridden of the Print interface
void flush();
// metrics
uint8_t bufferIndex() { return _bidx; };
uint32_t bytesWritten() { return _bytesOut; };
// outputstream, Print Class
Print* _stream;
size_t write(uint8_t c);
// for indentation
uint8_t _indent;
uint8_t _indentStep;
// configuration
uint8_t _config;
// stack - used to remember the current tagname to create
// automatic the right close tag.
uint8_t _tidx;
// output admin
char * _buffer;
uint8_t _bufsize;
uint8_t _bidx;
uint32_t _bytesOut;
// -- END OF FILE --