2022-11-24 11:22:37 +01:00

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#pragma once
// FILE: SGP30.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.1.6
// DATE: 2021-06-24
// PURPOSE: SGP30 library for Arduino
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/SGP30
// https://www.adafruit.com/product/3709
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define SGP30_LIB_VERSION (F("0.1.6"))
#define SGP30_OK 0x00
#define SGP30_ERROR_CRC 0xFF
#define SGP30_ERROR_I2C 0xFE
class SGP30
explicit SGP30(TwoWire *wire = &Wire);
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl);
bool begin();
bool isConnected();
// WARNING resets all I2C devices that support this call !!
void GenericReset();
bool getID();
uint16_t getFeatureSet();
bool measureTest(); // need a better name
// lastMeasurement works only with measure();
// not with async calls.
uint32_t lastMeasurement() { return _lastTime; };
// all == false ==> only TVOC and eCO2
// blocks 15 - 40 milliseconds (depends on parameter all).
bool measure(bool all = false);
// async interface
void request();
bool read();
void requestRaw();
bool readRaw();
// get the data // UNITS
uint16_t getTVOC() { return _tvoc; }; // PPB
uint16_t getCO2() { return _co2; }; // PPM
uint16_t getH2_raw() { return _h2; }; // UNKNOWN
uint16_t getEthanol_raw() { return _ethanol; }; // UNKNOWN
float getH2(); // experimental // PPM
float getEthanol(); // experimental // PPM
// CALIBRATION - read datasheet
// T in °C
// RH == 0..100
float setRelHumidity(float T, float RH); // P10
// Absolute humidity in grams / m3
// set Abs Hum to 0 to disables it...
void setAbsHumidity(float absoluteHumidity);
void setBaseline(uint16_t CO2, uint16_t TVOC);
bool getBaseline(uint16_t *CO2, uint16_t *TVOC);
// See Inceptive Baseline for TVOC measurements in data sheet
void setTVOCBaseline(uint16_t TVOC);
bool getTVOCBaseline(uint16_t *TVOC);
// 13119 = average raw measured outside 22°C (example)
void setSrefH2(uint16_t s = 13119) { _srefH2 = s; };
uint16_t getSrefH2() { return _srefH2; };
// 18472 = average raw measured outside 22°C (example)
void setSrefEthanol(uint16_t s = 18472) { _srefEth = s; };
uint16_t getSrefEthanol() { return _srefEth; };
int lastError(); // TODO extend in code
uint8_t _id[6]; // TODO private ...
uint8_t _address;
int _error;
uint32_t _lastTime = 0;
uint32_t _lastRequest = 0;
// TODO improve?
int _command(uint16_t cmd);
int _command(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t v1);
int _command(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t v1, uint16_t v2);
uint8_t _CRC8(uint16_t val);
void _init();
uint16_t _tvoc;
uint16_t _co2;
uint16_t _h2;
uint16_t _ethanol;
// experimental
// average raw values measured outside 22°C
uint16_t _srefH2 = 13119;
uint16_t _srefEth = 18472;
TwoWire* _wire;
// -- END OF FILE --