2022-07-07 12:53:02 +02:00

228 lines
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#pragma once
// FILE: AS5600.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.3.0
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for AS5600 magnetic rotation meter
// DATE: 2022-05-28
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/AS5600
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define AS5600_LIB_VERSION (F("0.3.0"))
// setDirection
const uint8_t AS5600_CLOCK_WISE = 0; // LOW
const uint8_t AS5600_COUNTERCLOCK_WISE = 1; // HIGH
// 0.087890625;
const float AS5600_RAW_TO_DEGREES = 360.0 / 4096;
// 0.00153398078788564122971808758949;
const float AS5600_RAW_TO_RADIANS = PI * 2.0 / 4096;
// getAngularSpeed
const uint8_t AS5600_MODE_DEGREES = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_MODE_RADIANS = 1;
// check datasheet for details
// setOutputMode
const uint8_t AS5600_OUTMODE_ANALOG_100 = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_OUTMODE_ANALOG_90 = 1;
const uint8_t AS5600_OUTMODE_PWM = 2;
// setPowerMode
const uint8_t AS5600_POWERMODE_NOMINAL = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_POWERMODE_LOW1 = 1;
const uint8_t AS5600_POWERMODE_LOW2 = 2;
const uint8_t AS5600_POWERMODE_LOW3 = 3;
// setPWMFrequency
const uint8_t AS5600_PWM_115 = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_PWM_230 = 1;
const uint8_t AS5600_PWM_460 = 2;
const uint8_t AS5600_PWM_920 = 3;
// setHysteresis
const uint8_t AS5600_HYST_OFF = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_HYST_LSB1 = 1;
const uint8_t AS5600_HYST_LSB2 = 2;
const uint8_t AS5600_HYST_LSB3 = 3;
// setSlowFilter
const uint8_t AS5600_SLOW_FILT_16X = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_SLOW_FILT_8X = 1;
const uint8_t AS5600_SLOW_FILT_4X = 2;
const uint8_t AS5600_SLOW_FILT_2X = 3;
// setFastFilter
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_NONE = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB6 = 1;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB7 = 2;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB9 = 3;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB18 = 4;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB21 = 5;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB24 = 6;
const uint8_t AS5600_FAST_FILT_LSB10 = 7;
// setWatchDog
const uint8_t AS5600_WATCHDOG_OFF = 0;
const uint8_t AS5600_WATCHDOG_ON = 1;
class AS5600
AS5600(TwoWire *wire = &Wire);
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
// 255 is software controlled direction pin
bool begin(int sda, int scl, uint8_t directionPin = 255);
// 255 is software controlled direction pin
bool begin(uint8_t directionPin = 255);
bool isConnected();
uint8_t getAddress() { return _address; }; // 0x36
// read datasheet first
// 0 = AS5600_CLOCK_WISE
// all other = AS5600_COUNTERCLOCK_WISE
void setDirection(uint8_t direction = AS5600_CLOCK_WISE);
uint8_t getDirection();
uint8_t getZMCO();
// 0 .. 4095
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setZPosition(uint16_t value);
uint16_t getZPosition();
// 0 .. 4095
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setMPosition(uint16_t value);
uint16_t getMPosition();
// 0 .. 4095
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setMaxAngle(uint16_t value);
uint16_t getMaxAngle();
// access the whole configuration register
// check datasheet for bit fields
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setConfigure(uint16_t value);
uint16_t getConfigure();
// access details of the configuration register
// 0 = Normal
// 1,2,3 are low power mode - check datasheet
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setPowerMode(uint8_t powerMode);
uint8_t getPowerMode();
// 0 = off 1 = lsb1 2 = lsb2 3 = lsb3
// returns false if parameter out of range
// suppresses noise when the magnet is not moving.
bool setHysteresis(uint8_t hysteresis);
uint8_t getHysteresis();
// 0 = analog 0-100%
// 1 = analog 10-90%
// 2 = PWM
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setOutputMode(uint8_t outputMode);
uint8_t getOutputMode();
// 0 = 115 1 = 230 2 = 460 3 = 920 (Hz)
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setPWMFrequency(uint8_t pwmFreq);
uint8_t getPWMFrequency();
// 0 = 16x 1 = 8x 2 = 4x 3 = 2x
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setSlowFilter(uint8_t mask);
uint8_t getSlowFilter();
// 0 = none 1 = LSB6 2 = LSB7 3 = LSB9
// 4 = LSB18 5 = LSB21 6 = LSB24 7 = LSB10
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setFastFilter(uint8_t mask);
uint8_t getFastFilter();
// 0 = OFF
// 1 = ON (auto low power mode)
// returns false if parameter out of range
bool setWatchDog(uint8_t mask);
uint8_t getWatchDog();
uint16_t rawAngle();
uint16_t readAngle();
// software based offset.
// degrees = -359.99 .. 359.99 (preferred)
// returns false if abs(parameter) > 36000
// => expect loss of precision
bool setOffset(float degrees);
float getOffset();
uint8_t readStatus();
uint8_t readAGC();
uint16_t readMagnitude();
// access detail status register
bool detectMagnet();
// void burnAngle();
// void burnSetting();
// Experimental 0.1.2 - to be tested.
// approximation of the angular speed in rotations per second.
// mode == 1: radians /second
// mode == 0: degrees /second (default)
float getAngularSpeed(uint8_t mode = AS5600_MODE_DEGREES);
uint8_t readReg(uint8_t reg);
uint16_t readReg2(uint8_t reg);
uint8_t writeReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
uint8_t writeReg2(uint8_t reg, uint16_t value);
const uint8_t _address = 0x36;
uint8_t _directionPin = 255;
uint8_t _direction = AS5600_CLOCK_WISE;
uint8_t _error = 0;
TwoWire* _wire;
// for getAngularSpeed()
uint32_t _lastMeasurement = 0;
int16_t _lastAngle = 0;
// for readAngle() and rawAngle()
uint16_t _offset = 0;
// -- END OF FILE --