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synced 2024-10-03 18:09:02 -04:00
MAX44009 I2C LUX sensor
Library for MAX44009 / GY-49 I2C lux sensor
a.k.a. GY-49
The MAX44009 ambient light sensor is an I2C sensor, that has a 22 bit dynamic range from 0.045 lux to 188,000 lux.
Schema breakout max44009 / GY-49
// breakout MAX44009 / GY-49
// +--------+
// VCC |o |
// GND |o |
// SCL |o o| ADDRESS
// SDA |o o| -INT
// +--------+
// 0 = 0x4A
// 1 = 0x4B
// INT:
// Connect the INT pin to an pull up resistor
// 0 = interrupt
// 1 = no interrupt
// connect to an LED or an interrupt pin of an Arduino
- enum class Boolean { True, False } enum class to prevent bool to be implicitly casted to int
- Max44009(address, dataPin, clockPin) dataPin, clockPin for ESP32, ESP8266
- **Max44009(address, begin = Boolean::True);
- Max44009(begin = Boolean::True)
- void configure(address, TwoWire *wire, begin = Boolean::True) Change I2C interface and address
- bool isConnected() device available on I2C bus.
- float getLux() read the sensor.
- int getError() returns last error.
Configure thresholds
check datasheet for details
- void setHighThreshold(float)
- float getHighThreshold(void)
- void setLowThreshold(float)
- float getLowThreshold(void)
- void setThresholdTimer(uint8_t) 2 seems practical minimum
- uint8_t getThresholdTimer() returns
Configure interrupts
check datasheet for details
- void enableInterrupt()
- void disableInterrupt()
- bool interruptEnabled()
- uint8_t getInterruptStatus()
Configure flags
check datasheet for details
- void setConfiguration(uint8_t)
- uint8_t getConfiguration()
Configure sample mode
check datasheet for details
- void setAutomaticMode()
- void setContinuousMode() uses more power
- void clrContinuousMode() uses less power
- void setManualMode(uint8_t CDR, uint8_t TIM)
- int getIntegrationTime() returns time in milliseconds
CDR = Current Divisor Ratio
CDR = 1 ==> only 1/8th is measured
TIM = Time Integration Measurement (table)
000 800ms
001 400ms
010 200ms
011 100ms
100 50ms manual only
101 25ms manual only
110 12.5ms manual only
111 6.25ms manual only
- use for e.g. UNO (use voltage convertor!)
- will not compile for UNO
- use for e.g. ESP32
Please be aware this is a 3.3 Volt device so it should not be connected to an Arduino or other 5 Volt device directly. Use a level convertor to solve this.
Do not forget to connect the address pin as you cannot read the sensor in a reliable way. As the line will float it will sometimes have the right address and sometimes not. (been there ;)