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Arduino CI Arduino-lint JSON check License: MIT GitHub release


Arduino library for RS485.


RS485 is an experimental library to make half duplex communication easier. The library implements the Stream interface so the user can use print() and write() calls just like one does with Serial.

Preferably the library is to be used with a hardwareSerial as these can buffer incoming characters in the background.

The 0.2.0 version of the library has no (tested) protocol for multi-byte messages so the user must implement such on top of this class.



  • RS485(Stream stream, uint8_t sendPin, uint8_t deviceID = 0) constructor. The default device ID is 0 (typically master uses this, or if deviceID is not used). The stream is typically Serial, and the baud rate, timeout etc. should be set via the Serial class. The sendPin is the pin that connects to the transmit/receive enable pins. The library sets the pinMode and defaults it to LOW (receiving mode).
  • void setMicrosPerByte(uint32_t baudRate) set the delay per character needed. This gives the hardware enough time to flush the buffer.
  • uint32_t getMicrosPerByte() returns the current delay in micros used.

Stream interface

  • int available() returns the number of characters available in the buffer.
  • int read() read a character from the RS485 stream.
  • int peek() peeks a character ahead. (less used).
  • void flush() flush the stream. (less used).

All variations of print(), println() and write() can be used, the library calculates the time needed to set the RS485 chip in transmit mode.


A RS485 controlled device is typically waiting for a command or message and is therefore default in listening or receiving mode. Only when the device needs to answer the library will automatically set the RS485 chip in sending mode, wait for enough time to "flush the buffer" and resumes with listening.

  • see examples (TODO).


  • improve documentation
  • setUsPerByte() parameter does not feel 100%
  • add send() and receive() for longer messages.
    • which handshake?
    • dynamic buffer size?
    • should this be a sort of message class / struct. fixed size?
  • add yield() for large messages that are blocking.
  • stopListening() and startListening() (with sendPin ?)
  • prevent blocking if possible.
  • add examples
  • add unit tests