2024-02-13 17:01:59 +01:00

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#pragma once
// FILE: TLC5947.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.3.0
// DATE: 2023-06-17
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for the TLC5947 24 channel PWM device
// URL:
#define TLC5947_LIB_VERSION (F("0.3.0"))
#include "Arduino.h"
#define TLC5947_OK 0x0000
class TLC5947
// single device constructor
TLC5947(uint8_t clock, uint8_t data, uint8_t latch, uint8_t blank);
// multi device constructor - for daisy chaining)
TLC5947(int deviceCount, uint8_t clock, uint8_t data, uint8_t latch, uint8_t blank);
bool begin();
int getChannels();
// fill the internal buffer with PWM values
// call write() after all channels are updated (or per channel).
int setPWM(uint8_t channel, uint16_t PWM);
void setAll(uint16_t PWM);
// get PWM value from the buffer, might differ from TLC5947 device!
uint16_t getPWM(uint8_t channel);
// percentage wrappers
// also known as duty cycle.
int setPercentage(uint8_t channel, float percentage);
void setPercentageAll(float percentage);
float getPercentage(uint8_t channel);
// write the buffer to the TLC5947 device(s).
void write(int n);
void write();
// control the blank line.
void enable();
void disable();
bool isEnabled(); // returns status
// RGB interface, you need to call write() afterwards.
int setRGB(uint8_t led, uint16_t R, uint16_t G, uint16_t B);
int getRGB(uint8_t led, uint16_t &R, uint16_t &G, uint16_t &B);
int _channels;
uint16_t * _buffer;
uint8_t _clock;
uint8_t _data;
uint8_t _latch;
uint8_t _blank;
const uint16_t MAXPWM = 4095;
// -- END OF FILE --