2020-03-19 15:16:52 +01:00

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#pragma once
// FILE: ACS712.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.1.1
// DATE: 2020-03-17
// PURPOSE: ACS712 library - current measurement
// Released to the public domain
// Tested with a RobotDyn ACS712 20A breakout + UNO.
#include "Arduino.h"
#define ACS712_LIB_VERSION "0.1.1"
class ACS712
// NOTE:
// One can quite precisely tune the value of the sensor
// (1) the milliVolt per Ampere and
// (2) the volts parameter.
// TYPE mV per Ampere
// 5A 185
// 20A 100
// 30A 66
ACS712(uint8_t analogPin, float volts = 5.0, uint16_t maxADC = 1023, uint8_t mVperA = 100);
// returns mA
// blocks 20-21 ms to sample a whole 50 or 60 Hz period. // TODO HZ as param ??
int mA_AC();
// returns mA
// blocks < 1 ms
int mA_DC();
// midpoint ADC for DC only
inline void setMidPoint(uint16_t mp) { _midPoint = mp; };
inline uint16_t getMidPoint() { return _midPoint; };
inline void incMidPoint() { _midPoint++; };
inline void decMidPoint() { _midPoint--; };
// also known as crest factor; affects AC only
inline void setFormFactor(float ff) { _formFactor = ff; };
inline float getFormFactor() { return _formFactor; };
// AC and DC
inline void setmVperAmp(uint8_t mva) { _mVperAmpere = mva; };
inline uint8_t getmVperAmp() { return _mVperAmpere; };
uint8_t _pin;
float _mVpstep; // millivolt per step
float _formFactor; // P2P -> RMS
uint8_t _mVperAmpere;
uint16_t _midPoint;