2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
.github 0.1.0 DS2438 2024-01-26 21:42:18 +01:00
documents 0.1.0 DS2438 2024-01-26 21:42:18 +01:00
examples/DS2438_demo 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
test 0.1.0 DS2438 2024-01-26 21:42:18 +01:00
.arduino-ci.yml 0.1.0 DS2438 2024-01-26 21:42:18 +01:00 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
DS2438.cpp 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
DS2438.h 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
keywords.txt 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
library.json 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00
LICENSE 0.1.0 DS2438 2024-01-26 21:42:18 +01:00 0.1.1 DS2438 2024-01-27 17:16:37 +01:00

Arduino CI Arduino-lint JSON check GitHub issues

License: MIT GitHub release PlatformIO Registry


Arduino Library for the DS2438 1-wire battery monitor.


The DS2438 is a very experimental library for the DS2438 battery management sensor.

The library is not tested yet as I have no hardware (breakout board). So for the moment the library is written based upon the datasheet and provided as is.

The device supports the following functionality.

  • voltage measurement
  • temperature measurement
  • current measurement.
  • 40 bytes non-volatile EEPROM memory
  • Elapsed time meter in binary format

This library supports only one DS2438 per Arduino / MCU pin.

As always, feedback is welcome.

Hardware pins

Need to find a breakout.

See datasheet for details

              | 1  GND           |
              | 2  Vsense+       |
              | 3  Vsense-       |
              | 4  VAD           |
              | 5  VDD           |
              | 6  NC            |
              | 7  NC            |
              | 8  DQ            |
Pin Description Connect to
DQ Data In/Out processor
VAD General A/D input
VSENS+ Battery current monitor input (+) Battery
VSENS- Battery current monitor input (-) Battery
VDD Power Supply (2.4V to 10.0V) +5V
GND Ground processor
NC No connect -


#include "DS2438.h"


  • DS2438(OneWire * ow) constructor needs a reference to OneWire object.
  • bool begin(uint8_t retries = 3) resets oneWire. Returns true if address / device is found and all is OK. There will be a number of retries to connect, default 3.
  • bool isConnected(uint8_t retries = 3) Returns true if address / device is found. There will be a number of retries to connect, default 3.

Temperature and voltage

  • float readTemperature() read temperature from device. Units = Celsius.
  • float getTemperature() get the last read temperature.
  • float readVDD() read voltage VDD from device. Units = Volts.
  • float getVDD() get the last read voltage VDD.
  • float readVAD() read voltage VAD. Units = Volts.
  • float getVAD() get the last read voltage VAD.


See datasheet for details. Choice of the resistor determines the working range / accuracy.

  • void setResistor(float resistor = 0.01) set the shunt resistor in OHM. This allows a sort of tuning/calibration.
  • void enableCurrentMeasurement() set IAD bit, see datasheet. Starts the background measurement of the current. Takes ~28 milliseconds for a measurement. Must be called before readCurrent will work.
  • void disableCurrentMeasurement() clear IAD bit, see datasheet. Stops the background measurement of the current.
  • float readCurrent() read current from device.
  • float getCurrent() get last read current.
  • void writeCurrentOffset(int value)
  • int readCurrentOffset()


See datasheet for details.

  • ICA = Integrated Current Accumulator.

  • float readRemaining()

  • void writeThreshold(uint8_t value)

  • uint8_t readThreshold()

Only 4 values possible.

value Threshold
0x00 None (default)
0x40 ±2 LSB
0x80 ±4 LSB
0xC0 ±8 LSB


From datasheet:

The elapsed time meter (ETM) is a 4-byte binary counter with 1-second resolution. The ETM can accumulate 136 years of seconds before rolling over. Time/date is represented by the number of seconds since a reference point, which is determined by the user. For example, 12:00 A.M., January 1, 1970 could be used as a reference point.

  • void writeElapsedTimeMeter(uint32_t value) value in seconds.
  • uint32_t readElapsedTimeMeter() returns current time in seconds.
  • uint32_t readDisconnectTime() returns last disconnect timestamp.
  • uint32_t readEndOfChargeTime() returns last end of charging timestamp.


Valid addresses are 0..35 if CCA/DCA is enabled, 0..39 otherwise.

  • bool writeEEPROM(uint8_t address, uint8_t value) write a byte to EEPROM address.
  • uint8_t readEEPROM(uint8_t address) read the byte from EEPROM address.


See datasheet for details.

  • CCA = Charging Current Accumulator

  • DCA = Discharge Current Accumulator

  • void enableCCA() also enables DCA.

  • void disableCCA()

  • float readCCA() Does not check if enabled.

  • float readDCA() Does not check if enabled.

Configuration register

See datasheet for details.

  • void setConfigBit(uint8_t bit) bit = 0..3
  • void clearConfigBit(uint8_t bit) bit = 0..3
  • uint8_t getConfigRegister() returns configuration and status bits.
bit name def description
0 IAD 1 Current A/D Control bit.
1 CA 1 Current Accumulator Configuration bit.
2 EE 1 Current Accumulator Shadow Selector bit.
3 AD 1 Voltage A/D Input Select bit. 1 = VDD, 0 = VAD.
4 TB 0 Temperature Busy Flag.
5 NVB 0 Non Volatile Memory Busy Flag.
6 ADB 0 A/D Converter Busy Flag.
7 x x don't care.


This library supports only one DS2438 per Arduino / MCU pin.



  • Improve documentation (a lot).
  • test with hardware or simulator?.
  • examples for testing.


  • implement CRC


only after testing and code works.

  • getters,
    • remove? == user responibility?
    • renaming: getVDD() vs getLastVDD? et al.
  • unit tests?
    • possible?
  • async interface for both T and V.
  • optimize the code.
    • cache registers?
  • improve magic masks and numbers
  • performance test.
  • getAddress() ?
  • debugging
  • error handling.
  • copy snapshot to EEPROM(page)
    • copies page 0 to EEPROM page 0..4



If you appreciate my libraries, you can support the development and maintenance. Improve the quality of the libraries by providing issues and Pull Requests, or donate through PayPal or GitHub sponsors.

Thank you,