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#pragma once
// FILE: PCA9634.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// DATE: 2022-01-03
// VERSION: 0.2.9
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for PCA9634 I2C LED driver, 8 channel
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/PCA9634
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define PCA9634_LIB_VERSION (F("0.2.9"))
// mode codes
// NEW
#define PCA963X_MODE1 0x00
#define PCA963X_MODE2 0x01
// OLD
#define PCA9634_MODE1 0x00
#define PCA9634_MODE2 0x01
// 0x80 bit ==> Auto-Increment for all registers.
// used in writeN() - see issue #9
// NEW
#define PCA963X_PWM(x) (0x82+(x))
#define PCA963X_GRPPWM 0x0A
#define PCA963X_GRPFREQ 0x0B
// OLD
#define PCA9634_PWM(x) (0x82+(x))
#define PCA9634_GRPPWM 0x0A
#define PCA9634_GRPFREQ 0x0B
// check datasheet for details
// NEW
#define PCA963X_LEDOUT_BASE 0x0C // 0x0C..0x0D
#define PCA963X_LEDOFF 0x00 // default @ startup
#define PCA963X_LEDON 0x01
#define PCA963X_LEDPWM 0x02
#define PCA963X_LEDGRPPWM 0x03
// OLD
#define PCA9634_LEDOUT_BASE 0x0C // 0x0C..0x0D
#define PCA9634_LEDOFF 0x00 // default @ startup
#define PCA9634_LEDON 0x01
#define PCA9634_LEDPWM 0x02
#define PCA9634_LEDGRPPWM 0x03
// Error codes
// NEW
#define PCA963X_OK 0x00
#define PCA963X_ERROR 0xFF
#define PCA963X_ERR_WRITE 0xFE
#define PCA963X_ERR_CHAN 0xFD
#define PCA963X_ERR_MODE 0xFC
#define PCA963X_ERR_REG 0xFB
#define PCA963X_ERR_I2C 0xFA
// OLD
#define PCA9634_OK 0x00
#define PCA9634_ERROR 0xFF
#define PCA9634_ERR_WRITE 0xFE
#define PCA9634_ERR_CHAN 0xFD
#define PCA9634_ERR_MODE 0xFC
#define PCA9634_ERR_REG 0xFB
#define PCA9634_ERR_I2C 0xFA
// Configuration bits MODE1 register
// NEW
#define PCA963X_MODE1_AUTOINCR2 0x80 // ReadOnly, 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA963X_MODE1_AUTOINCR1 0x40 // ReadOnly, bit1
#define PCA963X_MODE1_AUTOINCR0 0x20 // ReadOnly, bit0
#define PCA963X_MODE1_SLEEP 0x10 // 0 = normal 1 = sleep
#define PCA963X_MODE1_SUB1 0x08 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA963X_MODE1_SUB2 0x04 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA963X_MODE1_SUB3 0x02 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA963X_MODE1_ALLCALL 0x01 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA963X_MODE1_NONE 0x00
// OLD
#define PCA9634_MODE1_AUTOINCR2 0x80 // ReadOnly, 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA9634_MODE1_AUTOINCR1 0x40 // ReadOnly, bit1
#define PCA9634_MODE1_AUTOINCR0 0x20 // ReadOnly, bit0
#define PCA9634_MODE1_SLEEP 0x10 // 0 = normal 1 = sleep
#define PCA9634_MODE1_SUB1 0x08 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA9634_MODE1_SUB2 0x04 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA9634_MODE1_SUB3 0x02 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA9634_MODE1_ALLCALL 0x01 // 0 = disable 1 = enable
#define PCA9634_MODE1_NONE 0x00
// Configuration bits MODE2 register
// NEW
#define PCA963X_MODE2_BLINK 0x20 // 0 = dim 1 = blink
#define PCA963X_MODE2_INVERT 0x10 // 0 = normal 1 = inverted
#define PCA963X_MODE2_ACK 0x08 // 0 = on STOP 1 = on ACK
#define PCA963X_MODE2_TOTEMPOLE 0x04 // 0 = open drain 1 = totem-pole
#define PCA963X_MODE2_NONE 0x00
// OLD
#define PCA9634_MODE2_BLINK 0x20 // 0 = dim 1 = blink
#define PCA9634_MODE2_INVERT 0x10 // 0 = normal 1 = inverted
#define PCA9634_MODE2_ACK 0x08 // 0 = on STOP 1 = on ACK
#define PCA9634_MODE2_TOTEMPOLE 0x04 // 0 = open drain 1 = totem-pole
#define PCA9634_MODE2_NONE 0x00
// Registers in which the ALLCALL and sub-addresses are stored
// NEW
#define PCA963X_SUBADR(x) (0x0D +(x)) // x = 1..3
#define PCA963X_ALLCALLADR 0x11
// OLD
#define PCA9634_SUBADR(x) (0x0D +(x)) // x = 1..3
#define PCA9634_ALLCALLADR 0x11
// Standard ALLCALL and sub-addresses --> only work for write commands and NOT for read commands
// NEW
#define PCA963X_ALLCALL 0x70 // TDS of chip says 0xE0, however,
// in this library the LSB is added during the write command
// (0xE0 --> 0b11100000, 0x70 --> 0b1110000)
#define PCA963X_SUB1 0x71 // see line above (0xE2 --> 0x71)
#define PCA963X_SUB2 0x72 // see line above (0xE4 --> 0x72)
#define PCA963X_SUB3 0x74 // see line above (0xE8 --> 0x74)
// OLD
#define PCA9634_ALLCALL 0x70 // TDS of chip says 0xE0, however,
// in this library the LSB is added during the write command
// (0xE0 --> 0b11100000, 0x70 --> 0b1110000)
#define PCA9634_SUB1 0x71 // see line above (0xE2 --> 0x71)
#define PCA9634_SUB2 0x72 // see line above (0xE4 --> 0x72)
#define PCA9634_SUB3 0x74 // see line above (0xE8 --> 0x74)
class PCA9634
explicit PCA9634(const uint8_t deviceAddress, TwoWire *wire = &Wire);
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool begin(int sda, int scl,
uint8_t mode1_mask = PCA963X_MODE1_ALLCALL,
uint8_t mode2_mask = PCA963X_MODE2_NONE);
bool begin(uint8_t mode1_mask = PCA963X_MODE1_ALLCALL,
uint8_t mode2_mask = PCA963X_MODE2_NONE);
bool isConnected();
uint8_t configure(uint8_t mode1_mask, uint8_t mode2_mask);
uint8_t channelCount();
uint8_t setLedDriverMode(uint8_t channel, uint8_t mode);
uint8_t getLedDriverMode(uint8_t channel);
// reg = 1, 2 check datasheet for values
uint8_t writeMode(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
uint8_t readMode(uint8_t reg);
// convenience wrappers
uint8_t setMode1(uint8_t value);
uint8_t setMode2(uint8_t value);
uint8_t getMode1();
uint8_t getMode2();
void setGroupPWM(uint8_t value);
uint8_t getGroupPWM();
void setGroupFREQ(uint8_t value);
uint8_t getGroupFREQ();
// single PWM setting
uint8_t write1(uint8_t channel, uint8_t value);
// RGB setting, write three consecutive PWM registers
uint8_t write3(uint8_t channel, uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B);
// generic worker, write N consecutive PWM registers
uint8_t writeN(uint8_t channel, uint8_t* arr, uint8_t count);
// generic worker, write N consecutive PWM registers without Stop command
uint8_t writeN_noStop(uint8_t channel, uint8_t* arr, uint8_t count);
// write stop command to end transmission
uint8_t writeStop();
// note error flag is reset after read!
int lastError();
// SUB CALL - ALL CALL (since 0.2.0)
// nr = { 1, 2, 3 }
bool enableSubCall(uint8_t nr);
bool disableSubCall(uint8_t nr);
bool isEnabledSubCall(uint8_t nr);
bool setSubCallAddress(uint8_t nr, uint8_t address);
uint8_t getSubCallAddress(uint8_t nr);
bool enableAllCall();
bool disableAllCall();
bool isEnabledAllCall();
bool setAllCallAddress(uint8_t address);
uint8_t getAllCallAddress();
// OE - Output Enable control
bool setOutputEnablePin(uint8_t pin);
bool setOutputEnable(bool on);
uint8_t getOutputEnable();
// 0.2.2
int I2C_SoftwareReset(uint8_t method);
// 0.2.7
// writing reg 12-13 LEDOUT
// reg LEDS
// 0 0..3
// 1 4..7
uint8_t writeLedOut(uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask);
uint8_t readLedOut(uint8_t reg);
uint8_t setLedDriverMode(uint8_t mode);
uint8_t writeReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value); // returns error status.
uint8_t readReg(uint8_t reg);
uint8_t _address;
int _error;
uint8_t _channelCount = 8;
uint8_t _OutputEnablePin;
TwoWire* _wire;
// -- END OF FILE --