2024-04-18 12:14:40 +02:00

310 lines
5.7 KiB

// FILE: float16.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.3.0
// PURPOSE: library for Float16s for Arduino
// URL:
#include "float16.h"
float16::float16(double f)
_value = f32tof16(f);
double float16::toDouble() const
return f16tof32(_value);
float float16::toFloat() const
return f16tof32(_value);
String float16::toString(unsigned int decimals) const
return String((double)f16tof32(_value), decimals);
bool float16::operator == (const float16 &f)
return (_value == f._value);
bool float16::operator != (const float16 &f)
return (_value != f._value);
bool float16::operator > (const float16 &f)
if ((_value & 0x8000) && ( f._value & 0x8000)) return _value < f._value;
if (_value & 0x8000) return false;
if (f._value & 0x8000) return true;
return _value > f._value;
bool float16::operator >= (const float16 &f)
if ((_value & 0x8000) && (f._value & 0x8000)) return _value <= f._value;
if (_value & 0x8000) return false;
if (f._value & 0x8000) return true;
return _value >= f._value;
bool float16::operator < (const float16 &f)
if ((_value & 0x8000) && (f._value & 0x8000)) return _value > f._value;
if (_value & 0x8000) return true;
if (f._value & 0x8000) return false;
return _value < f._value;
bool float16::operator <= (const float16 &f)
if ((_value & 0x8000) && (f._value & 0x8000)) return _value >= f._value;
if (_value & 0x8000) return true;
if (f._value & 0x8000) return false;
return _value <= f._value;
float16 float16::operator - ()
float16 f16;
f16.setBinary(_value ^ 0x8000);
return f16;
float16 float16::operator + (const float16 &f)
return float16(this->toDouble() + f.toDouble());
float16 float16::operator - (const float16 &f)
return float16(this->toDouble() - f.toDouble());
float16 float16::operator * (const float16 &f)
return float16(this->toDouble() * f.toDouble());
float16 float16::operator / (const float16 &f)
return float16(this->toDouble() / f.toDouble());
float16& float16::operator += (const float16 &f)
*this = this->toDouble() + f.toDouble();
return *this;
float16& float16::operator -= (const float16 &f)
*this = this->toDouble() - f.toDouble();
return *this;
float16& float16::operator *= (const float16 &f)
*this = this->toDouble() * f.toDouble();
return *this;
float16& float16::operator /= (const float16 &f)
*this = this->toDouble() / f.toDouble();
return *this;
int float16::sign()
if (_value & 0x8000) return -1;
if (_value & 0xFFFF) return 1;
return 0;
bool float16::isZero()
return ((_value & 0x7FFF) == 0x0000);
bool float16::isNaN()
if ((_value & 0x7C00) != 0x7C00) return false;
if ((_value & 0x03FF) == 0x0000) return false;
return true;
bool float16::isInf()
return ((_value == 0x7C00) || (_value == 0xFC00));
bool float16::isPosInf()
return (_value == 0x7C00);
bool float16::isNegInf()
return (_value == 0xFC00);
float float16::f16tof32(uint16_t _value) const
uint16_t sgn, man;
int exp;
double f;
sgn = (_value & 0x8000) > 0;
exp = (_value & 0x7C00) >> 10;
man = (_value & 0x03FF);
if ((_value & 0x7FFF) == 0)
return sgn ? -0 : 0;
// NAN & INF
if (exp == 0x001F)
if (man == 0) return sgn ? -INFINITY : INFINITY;
else return NAN;
if (exp > 0)
f = pow(2.0, exp - 15) * (1 + man * 0.0009765625);
return sgn ? -f : f;
// exp == 0;
f = pow(2.0, -24) * man;
return sgn ? -f : f;
uint16_t float16::f32tof16(float f) const
uint32_t t = *(uint32_t *) &f;
// man bits = 10; but we keep 11 for rounding
uint16_t man = (t & 0x007FFFFF) >> 12;
int16_t exp = (t & 0x7F800000) >> 23;
bool sgn = (t & 0x80000000);
// Serial.print("BEFOR:\t ");
// Serial.print(sgn, HEX);
// Serial.print(" ");
// Serial.print(man, HEX);
// Serial.print(" ");
// Serial.println(exp, HEX);
// handle 0
if ((t & 0x7FFFFFFF) == 0)
return sgn ? 0x8000 : 0x0000;
// denormalized float32 does not fit in float16
if (exp == 0x00)
return sgn ? 0x8000 : 0x0000;
// handle INF and NAN == infinity and not a number
if (exp == 0x00FF)
if (man) return 0xFE00; // NAN
return sgn ? 0xFC00 : 0x7C00; // -INF : INF
// rescale exponent
exp = exp - 127 + 15;
// overflow does not fit => INF (infinity)
if (exp > 30)
return sgn ? 0xFC00 : 0x7C00; // -INF : INF
// subnormal numbers out of range => 0.
if (exp < -9)
return sgn ? 0x8000 : 0x0000; // -0 or 0 ? just 0 ?
// subnormal numbers
if (exp <= 0)
exp = 0;
man = abs(f) * 16777216; // pow(2.0, 24);
if (sgn) return 0x8000 | man;
return man;
// normal numbers
// rounding
man >>= 1;
// correction mantissa overflow issue #10
if (man == 0x0400)
man = 0;
exp <<= 10;
// Serial.print("AFTER:\t ");
// Serial.print(sgn, HEX);
// Serial.print(" ");
// Serial.print(man, HEX);
// Serial.print(" ");
// Serial.println(exp, HEX);
if (sgn) return 0x8000 | exp | man;
return exp | man;
// -- END OF FILE --