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// FILE: SRF05.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.1.2
// DATE: 2021-05-17
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for the SRF05 distance sensor (and compatibles)
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/SRF05
// 0.1.0 2021-05-17 initial version
// 0.1.1 2021-11-18 update build-CI,
// update readme.md, minor edits
// 0.1.2 2021-12-28 update library.json, license, minor edits
#include "SRF05.h"
SRF05::SRF05(const uint8_t trigger, const uint8_t echo, const uint8_t out)
_trigger = trigger;
_echo = echo;
_out = out;
_mode = 0;
pinMode(_trigger, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(_trigger, LOW);
pinMode(_echo, INPUT);
void SRF05::setSpeedOfSound(float sos)
_speedOfSound = sos;
float SRF05::getSpeedOfSound()
return _speedOfSound;
void SRF05::setModeSingle()
_mode = 0x00;
_count = 1;
void SRF05::setModeAverage(uint8_t count)
_mode = 0x01;
_count = count;
void SRF05::setModeMedian(uint8_t count)
_mode = 0x02;
_count = count;
if (_count < 3) _count = 3;
if (_count > 15) _count = 15;
void SRF05::setModeRunningAverage(float alpha)
_mode = 0x03;
_count = 1;
_alpha = alpha;
uint8_t SRF05::getOperationalMode()
return _mode;
uint32_t SRF05::getTime()
case 0x00:
return _read();
case 0x01:
float sum = 0;
for (uint8_t s = 0; s < _count; s++)
sum += _read();
return round(sum / _count);
case 0x02:
uint32_t samples[15];
for (uint8_t s = 0; s < _count; s++)
samples[s] = _read();
_insertSort(samples, _count);
if (_count & 0x01) return samples[_count / 2];
return (samples[(_count + 1) / 2] + samples[_count / 2]) / 2;
case 0x03:
_value = (1 - _alpha) * _value + _alpha * _read();
return _value;
uint32_t SRF05::getMillimeter()
return _speedOfSound * getTime() * 0.5e-3;
float SRF05::getCentimeter()
return _speedOfSound * getTime() * 0.5e-4;
float SRF05::getMeter()
return _speedOfSound * getTime() * 0.5e-6;
float SRF05::getInch()
return _speedOfSound * getTime() * 1.9685e-5;
float SRF05::getFeet()
return _speedOfSound * getTime() * 1.64042e-6;
// assumes a distance of 1.00 meter
// typically use 100 or 500 meter for distance to calibrate
float SRF05::determineSpeedOfSound(uint16_t distance)
float sum = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < distance; i++)
sum += _read();
float sos = 2e6 * distance / sum;
return sos;
// private
uint32_t SRF05::_read()
digitalWrite(_trigger, HIGH);
digitalWrite(_trigger, LOW);
uint32_t duration = pulseIn(_echo, HIGH, 300000);
if (_correctionFactor == 1)
return duration;
return round(duration * _correctionFactor);
void SRF05::_insertSort(uint32_t * array, uint8_t size)
uint8_t t, z;
uint32_t temp;
for (t = 1; t < size; t++)
z = t;
temp = array[z];
while( (z > 0) && (temp < array[z - 1] ))
array[z] = array[z - 1];
array[z] = temp;
// -- END OF FILE --