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// FILE: SHT31.cpp
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.3.8
// DATE: 2019-02-08
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor
// https://www.adafruit.com/product/2857
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/SHT31
#include "SHT31.h"
// SUPPORTED COMMANDS - single shot mode only
#define SHT31_READ_STATUS 0xF32D
#define SHT31_CLEAR_STATUS 0x3041
#define SHT31_SOFT_RESET 0x30A2
#define SHT31_HARD_RESET 0x0006
#define SHT31_MEASUREMENT_FAST 0x2416 // page 10 datasheet
#define SHT31_MEASUREMENT_SLOW 0x2400 // no clock stretching
#define SHT31_HEAT_ON 0x306D
#define SHT31_HEAT_OFF 0x3066
#define SHT31_HEATER_TIMEOUT 180000UL // milliseconds
_wire = NULL;
_address = 0;
_lastRead = 0;
_rawTemperature = 0;
_rawHumidity = 0;
_heatTimeout = 0;
_heaterStart = 0;
_heaterStop = 0;
_heaterOn = false;
_error = SHT31_OK;
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool SHT31::begin(const uint8_t address, const uint8_t dataPin, const uint8_t clockPin)
if ((address != 0x44) && (address != 0x45))
return false;
_address = address;
_wire = &Wire;
if ((dataPin < 255) && (clockPin < 255))
_wire->begin(dataPin, clockPin);
} else {
return reset();
bool SHT31::begin(const uint8_t dataPin, const uint8_t clockPin)
return begin(SHT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, dataPin, clockPin);
bool SHT31::begin(const uint8_t address, TwoWire *wire)
if ((address != 0x44) && (address != 0x45))
return false;
_address = address;
_wire = wire;
return reset();
bool SHT31::begin(TwoWire *wire)
return begin(SHT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, wire);
bool SHT31::read(bool fast)
if (writeCmd(fast ? SHT31_MEASUREMENT_FAST : SHT31_MEASUREMENT_SLOW) == false)
return false;
delay(fast ? 4 : 15); // table 4 datasheet
return readData(fast);
bool SHT31::isConnected()
int rv = _wire->endTransmission();
if (rv != 0) _error = SHT31_ERR_NOT_CONNECT;
return (rv == 0);
#ifdef doc
// bit - description
// ==================
// 15 Alert pending status
// '0': no pending alerts
// '1': at least one pending alert - default
// 14 Reserved ‘0’
// 13 Heater status
// '0’ : Heater OFF - default
// '1’ : Heater ON
// 12 Reserved '0’
// 11 Humidity tracking alert
// '0’ : no alert - default
// '1’ : alert
// 10 Temp tracking alert
// '0’ : no alert - default
// '1’ : alert
// 9:5 Reserved '00000’
// 4 System reset detected
// '0': no reset since last ‘clear status register’ command
// '1': reset detected (hard or soft reset command or supply fail) - default
// 3:2 Reserved ‘00’
// 1 Command status
// '0': last command executed successfully
// '1': last command not processed. Invalid or failed checksum
// 0 Write data checksum status
// '0': checksum of last write correct
// '1': checksum of last write transfer failed
uint16_t SHT31::readStatus()
uint8_t status[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
// page 13 datasheet
if (writeCmd(SHT31_READ_STATUS) == false)
return 0xFFFF;
// 16 bit status + CRC
if (readBytes(3, (uint8_t*) &status[0]) == false)
return 0xFFFF;
if (status[2] != crc8(status, 2))
_error = SHT31_ERR_CRC_STATUS;
return 0xFFFF;
return (uint16_t) (status[0] << 8) + status[1];
bool SHT31::reset(bool hard)
bool b = writeCmd(hard ? SHT31_HARD_RESET : SHT31_SOFT_RESET);
if (b == false)
return false;
delay(1); // table 4 datasheet
return true;
void SHT31::setHeatTimeout(uint8_t seconds)
_heatTimeout = seconds;
if (_heatTimeout > 180) _heatTimeout = 180;
bool SHT31::heatOn()
if (isHeaterOn()) return true;
if ((_heaterStop > 0) && (millis() - _heaterStop < SHT31_HEATER_TIMEOUT))
return false;
if (writeCmd(SHT31_HEAT_ON) == false)
_error = SHT31_ERR_HEATER_ON;
return false;
_heaterStart = millis();
_heaterOn = true;
return true;
bool SHT31::heatOff()
// always switch off the heater - ignore _heaterOn flag.
if (writeCmd(SHT31_HEAT_OFF) == false)
_error = SHT31_ERR_HEATER_OFF; // can be serious!
return false;
_heaterStop = millis();
_heaterOn = false;
return true;
bool SHT31::isHeaterOn()
if (_heaterOn == false)
return false;
// did not exceed time out
if (millis() - _heaterStart < (_heatTimeout * 1000UL))
return true;
return false;
bool SHT31::requestData()
if (writeCmd(SHT31_MEASUREMENT_SLOW) == false)
return false;
_lastRequest = millis();
return true;
bool SHT31::dataReady()
return ((millis() - _lastRequest) > 15); // TODO MAGIC NR
bool SHT31::readData(bool fast)
uint8_t buffer[6];
if (readBytes(6, (uint8_t*) &buffer[0]) == false)
return false;
if (!fast)
if (buffer[2] != crc8(buffer, 2))
_error = SHT31_ERR_CRC_TEMP;
return false;
if (buffer[5] != crc8(buffer + 3, 2))
_error = SHT31_ERR_CRC_HUM;
return false;
_rawTemperature = (buffer[0] << 8) + buffer[1];
_rawHumidity = (buffer[3] << 8) + buffer[4];
_lastRead = millis();
return true;
int SHT31::getError()
int rv = _error;
_error = SHT31_OK;
return rv;
uint8_t SHT31::crc8(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
// CRC-8 formula from page 14 of SHT spec pdf
const uint8_t POLY(0x31);
uint8_t crc(0xFF);
for (uint8_t j = len; j; --j)
crc ^= *data++;
for (uint8_t i = 8; i; --i)
crc = (crc & 0x80) ? (crc << 1) ^ POLY : (crc << 1);
return crc;
bool SHT31::writeCmd(uint16_t cmd)
_wire->write(cmd >> 8 );
_wire->write(cmd & 0xFF);
if (_wire->endTransmission() != 0)
_error = SHT31_ERR_WRITECMD;
return false;
return true;
bool SHT31::readBytes(uint8_t n, uint8_t *val)
int rv = _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t) n);
if (rv == n)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
val[i] = _wire->read();
return true;
return false;
// -- END OF FILE --