2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
.github 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
examples 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
src 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
.arduino-ci.yml 0.1.0 KT0803 2023-12-28 12:13:40 +01:00 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
keywords.txt 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
library.json 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00
LICENSE 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00 0.2.0 KT0803 2024-03-11 10:53:11 +01:00

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License: MIT GitHub release PlatformIO Registry


Arduino Library for KT0803 and KT0803K FM transmitter.

In different countries there are different laws with respect to using transmitting devices and their range. Please inform yourself of the local rules and laws if and how you may or may not use a device like the KT0803 in your projects, either hobby, commercial or otherwise.


This experimental library allows basic control of the KT0803 and / or the KT0803K FM transmitter device. It is primary written to understand the possibilities and the interface of the device.

The library is not tested by me with hardware yet. See future below.

There are some newer, more capable, follow up devices like model K, L and M. From these only the KT0803K is supported since 0.2.0. The others are not supported (yet) although they might work as they seem backwards compatible.


Read datasheet for details.

Warning The KT0803 is an 3.3 Volt device and cannot be connected directly to 5V MCU's.

                   |  KT0803  |
             GND --|  1   16  |-- PA_OUT  RF analog output
   Crystal    XI --|  2   15  |-- GND
   Crystal    XO --|  3   14  |-- SCL     I2C Clock
   3.3V    IOVDD --|  4   13  |-- SCA     I2C Data
             GND --|  5   12  |-- GND
   in left   INL --|  6   11  |-- GND
   in right  INR --|  7   10  |-- RSTB    Reset
   enable     SW --|  8    9  |-- GND
                   |          |

Frequency range

The frequency range stated on the front page of the datasheet ==> 70 MHz - 108 MHz. The frequency range stated in table 2 ==> 76 MHz - 108 MHz. So the datasheet is at least ambiguous on this point. Also keep in mind that the


The KT0803K device has far more options, which are not implemented yet except one. The resolution or step-size of the frequency.

device step-size Notes
KT0803 100 KHz in code the math is done with 50 KHz
KT0803K 50 KHz

Backwards compatible. According to the datasheet code for the KT0803 should work for the KT0803K. Code with the KT0803K class will probably not work on a KT0803.

Transmit frequency

The transmit frequency can be set with setFrequency(MHz) or by setChannel(channel). Note that the channel and frequency math of the KT0803 and the KT0803K is aligned in this library. This allows exchange of channel data between device types.

Note that the KT0803 will internally round to use 100 KHz steps.

Some examples:

Frequency Channel Notes
70.00 MHz 1400 channel = freq (Mhz) * 20
70.05 MHz 1401 freq = channel * 0.05
70.10 MHz 1402
76.00 MHz 1520
80.00 MHz 1600
89.70 MHz 1794 default (see registers datasheet)
100.00 MHz 2000
101.30 MHz 2026
105.70 MHz 2114
108.00 MHz 2160


#include "KT0803.h"


  • KT0803(TwoWire *wire = &Wire) constructor, optional Wire interface.
  • KT0803K(TwoWire *wire = &Wire) constructor, optional Wire interface.
  • bool begin(float freq = 90.0, bool mute = true) initializes the library. Furthermore it checks if the deviceAddress is available on the I2C bus. Default it sets the frequency to 90 MHz and mutes the signal. Returns true if deviceAddress is found on the bus, false otherwise.
  • bool isConnected() test to see if deviceAddress is found on the I2C-bus.


  • bool setFrequency(float MHz) converts the frequency in MHz to call setChannel(channel). The value of channel is rounded off depending on the resolution of the device. Returns false if MHz is out of range or setChannel() fails.
  • float getFrequency() returns the current frequency in MHz, can be slightly different from the set value due to rounding math mentioned above. The return value is derived from a call to getChannel()
  • bool setChannel(uint16_t channel) writes the channel to broadcast on to the device. This involves two or three writes to different device registers.
  • uint16_t getChannel() reads the selected channel from the device and returns it.


Read Datasheet.

The KT0803K has a PGA_LSB (2 bits) setting, which allows setting the gain with single (1) dB steps. This is not yet implemented in the library.

  • bool setPGA(uint8_t pga) sets gain according to table below. Returns false if pga is out of range (0..7).
  • uint8_t getPGA() returns 0..7, default 0.
PGA gain notes
111 12dB
110 8dB
101 4dB
100 0dB
000 0dB default
001 -4dB
010 -8dB
011 -12dB


Read Datasheet.

Note: the RFGain value (4 bits) is distributed over three registers. PA_BIAS (register 0x05) is only supported in the KT0803K device. It is not yet supported in the library.

  • bool setRFGain(uint8_t rfgain) sets rfgain according to table below. Returns false if rfgain is out of range (0..15).
  • uint8_t getRFgain() returns 0..15, default 15.
RFGAIN RFout PA_BIAS = 1 notes
0000 95.5 dBuV -
0001 96.5 dBuV -
0010 97.5 dBuV -
0011 98.2 dBuV -
0100 98.9 dBuV -
0101 100.0 dBuV -
0110 101.5 dBuV -
0111 102.8 dBuV -
1000 105.1 dBuV 107.2 dBuV
1001 105.6 dBuV 108.0 dBuV
1010 106.2 dBuV 108.7 dBuV
1011 106.5 dBuV 109.5 dBuV
1100 107.0 dBuV 110.3 dBuV
1101 107.4 dBuV 111.0 dBuV
1110 107.7 dBuV 111.7 dBuV
1111 108.0 dBuV 112.5 dBuV default

Region selection

Read datasheet for details.

Note that not all frequencies are allowed in all regions / countries!

The first four are convenience wrappers for setPHTCNST() If some region is missing please let me know the details and I can add a wrapper for it.

  • void setEurope()
  • void setAustralia()
  • void setUSA()
  • void setJapan()
  • bool setPHTCNST(bool on) See table below.
  • bool getPHTCNST() returns set value.
PHTCNST time Region
0 75 μs USA, Japan, (default)
1 50 μs Europe, Australia


Read datasheet.

  • bool setPilotToneAdjust(uint8_t mode) HIGH = 1 LOW = 0
  • uint8_t getPilotToneAdjust()


Default the device is not muted, but begin() will default mute it. See interface section above.

  • bool setMute(bool mute) enables or disables the transmitting by muting the signal.
  • bool getMute() returns the current state of muting.

Preference channels

The device and library do not implement the persistant store of user selectable preferences (frequencies or channels). This can be implemented by the user in EEPROM or another persistent medium.

Think of a class that holds an array of channels and optional descriptions. A minimal hardcoded preset sketch is in the examples.

Derived classes

Since 0.2.0 the KT0803K class is created, although minimally implemented.

The KT0803L might work as it seems backwards compatible. It has far more registers in use than the KT0803/K. At the moment there is no intention to implement this KT0803L version.

The KT0803M looks almost identical to the KT0803K (no new registers), so a derived class is straightforward.



  • improve documentation
  • buy hardware
  • test and verify.



  • RESET pin as optional parameter in constructor?
  • SW pin (ON/OFF) as optional parameter in constructor?
    • add functions for sw on/off,
    • what is impact on settings?
    • call begin () again? => default
    • explain well doc.
  • derived class KT0803M (== K check)
  • improve error handling
  • unit tests possible?
  • extend settings upon request bold are interesting, see table
device setting register Notes
KT0803 PA_CTRL 13, bit 2 WARNING in datasheet
Should it be added in API?
KT0803K MONO/STEREO 04, bit 6 idem
KT0803K PGA_LSB 04, bit 4+5 gain fine tuning -> see PGA_MOD
KT0803K FDEV 04, bit 2+3 Frequency deviation adjustment
KT0803K BASS 04, bit 0+1 Bass boost control
KT0803K PDPA 0B, bit 5 Power Amplifier Power Down ?
KT0803K PA_BIAS 0E, bit 1 PA bias current enhancement.
KT0803K PW_OK (RO) 0F, bit 4 Power OK indicator
KT0803K SLNCID (RO) 0F, bit 2 1 when Silence is detected
KT0803K LMTLVL 10, bit 3+4 Internal audio limiter level control
KT0803K PGAMOD 10, bit 0 PGA mode selection (use PGA_LSB/ not)
KT0803K SLNCDIS 12, bit 7 Silence detection disable
KT0803K SLNCTHL 12, bit 4+5+6 Silence detection low threshold
KT0803K SLNCTHH 12, bit 1+2+3 Silence detection high threshold
KT0803K SW_MOD 12, bit 0 Switching channel mode selection
KT0803K SLNCTIME 14, bit 5+6+7 silence detection time
KT0803K SLNCCNTHIGH 14, bit 2+3+4 silence detection count high
KT0803K SLNCCNTLOW 15, bit 0+1+2 silence detection count low

Wont (for now)

  • investigate tea5767 FM receiver (Out of scope for this lib).
  • implement KT0803L
  • investigate efficiency of register access.
    • caching all (allowed) registers in begin()
      • 3 bytes for KT0803
      • 12 bytes for KT0803K
    • cache frequency.
    • only writing is needed.
  • send binary data over FM?
  • preset frequency array in .h file (hardcoded)
  • enums for parameters - readability?


If you appreciate my libraries, you can support the development and maintenance. Improve the quality of the libraries by providing issues and Pull Requests, or donate through PayPal or GitHub sponsors.

Thank you,