Rob Tillaart e447899f0c 0.1.4 GST
2023-11-02 15:59:23 +01:00

227 lines
3.9 KiB

// FILE: GST.cpp
// VERSION: 0.1.4
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for Gold Standard Test metrics
// URL:
// formula's based upon Wikipedia.
#include "GST.h"
void GST::setTruePositive(float v)
TP = v;
AP = TP + FN;
void GST::setTrueNegative(float v)
TN = v;
AN = TN + FP;
void GST::setFalsePositive(float v)
FP = v;
AN = TN + FP;
void GST::setFalseNegative(float v)
FN = v;
AP = TP + FN;
void GST::clearAll()
AP = 0;
AN = 0;
TP = 0;
TN = 0;
FP = 0;
FN = 0;
// These are used for updating the test matrix
float GST::addTruePositive(float v)
TP += v;
AP = TP + FN;
return TP;
float GST::addTrueNegative(float v)
TN += v;
AN = TN + FP;
return TN;
float GST::addFalsePositive(float v)
FP += v;
AN = TN + FP;
return FP;
float GST::addFalseNegative(float v)
FN += v;
AP = TP + FN;
return FN;
float GST::getTruePositive() { return TP; };
float GST::getTrueNegative() { return TN; };
float GST::getFalsePositive() { return FP; };
float GST::getFalseNegative() { return FN; };
float GST::getTotal() { return AP + AN; };
float GST::getActualPositive() { return AP; };
float GST::getActualNegative() { return AN; };
float GST::getTestedPositive() { return TP + FP; };
float GST::getTestedNegative() { return TN + FN; };
float GST::sensitivity() { return TPR(); };
float GST::specificity() { return TNR(); };
float GST::truePositiveRate() { return TPR(); };
float GST::TPR() { return TP / AP; };
float GST::trueNegativeRate() { return TNR(); };
float GST::TNR() { return TN / AN; };
float GST::falseNegativeRate() { return FNR(); };
float GST::FNR() { return FN / AP; };
float GST::falsePositiveRate() { return FPR(); };
float GST::FPR() { return FP / AN; };
float GST::positivePredictiveValue() { return PPV(); };
float GST::PPV() { return TP / (TP + FP); };
float GST::negativePredictiveValue() { return NPV(); };
float GST::NPV() { return TN / (TN + FN); };
float GST::falseDiscoveryRate() { return FDR(); };
float GST::FDR() { return FP / (TP + FP); };
float GST::falseOmissionRate() { return FOR(); };
float GST::FOR() { return FN / (TN + FN); };
float GST::positiveLikelihoodRatio() { return LRplus(); };
float GST::LRplus() { return TPR() / FPR(); };
float GST::negativeLikelihoodRatio() { return LRminus(); };
float GST::LRminus() { return FNR() / TNR(); };
float GST::prevalenceThreshold()
return sqrt(FPR()) / (sqrt(TPR()) + sqrt(FPR()));
float GST::threatScore()
return TP / (TP + FN + FP);
float GST::criticalSuccessIndex()
return threatScore();
float GST::prevalence()
return AP / (AP + AN);
float GST::accuracy()
return (TP + TN) / (AP + AN);
float GST::balancedAccuracy()
return (TPR() + TNR()) * 0.5;
float GST::F1Score()
return (2 * TP) / (2 * TP + FP + FN);
float GST::MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient() { return MCC(); };
float GST::phi() { return MCC(); };
float GST::MCC()
return (TP*TN - FP*FN)/sqrt((TP+FP) * (TP+FN) * (TN+FP) * (TN+FN));
float GST::FowlkesMallowsIndex() { return FM(); };
float GST::FM()
return sqrt(PPV()*TPR());
float GST::BookmakerInformedness() { return BM(); };
float GST::BM()
return TPR() + TNR() - 1;
float GST::markedness() { return MK(); };
float GST::deltaP() { return MK(); };
float GST::MK()
return PPV() + NPV() - 1;
float GST::diagnosticOddsRatio() { return DOR(); };
float GST::DOR()
return LRplus() / LRminus();
// -- END OF FILE --