2022-11-14 17:31:55 +01:00

320 lines
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// FILE: INA219.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.1.2
// DATE: 2021-05-18
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for INA219 voltage, current and power sensor
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/INA219
// HISTORY: see changelog.md
#include "INA219.h"
#define INA219_CONFIGURATION 0x00
#define INA219_SHUNT_VOLTAGE 0x01
#define INA219_BUS_VOLTAGE 0x02
#define INA219_POWER 0x03
#define INA219_CURRENT 0x04
#define INA219_CALIBRATION 0x05
#define INA219_MASK_ENABLE 0x06
#define INA219_ALERT_LIMIT 0x07
#define INA219_DIE_ID 0xFF
#define INA219_CONF_RESET 0x8000
#define INA219_CONF_BUS_RANGE_VOLTAGE 0x2000
#define INA219_CONF_PROG_GAIN 0x1800
#define INA219_CONF_BUS_ADC 0x0780
#define INA219_CONF_SHUNT_ADC 0x0078
#define INA219_CONF_MODE 0x0007
INA219::INA219(const uint8_t address, TwoWire *wire)
_address = address;
_wire = wire;
// not calibrated values by default.
_current_LSB = 0;
_maxCurrent = 0;
_shunt = 0;
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool INA219::begin(const uint8_t sda, const uint8_t scl)
_wire = &Wire;
_wire->begin(sda, scl);
if (! isConnected()) return false;
return true;
bool INA219::begin()
if (! isConnected()) return false;
return true;
bool INA219::isConnected()
return ( _wire->endTransmission() == 0);
float INA219::getShuntVoltage()
uint16_t value = _readRegister(INA219_SHUNT_VOLTAGE);
return value * 1e-5; // fixed 10 uV
float INA219::getBusVoltage()
uint16_t value = _readRegister(INA219_BUS_VOLTAGE);
uint8_t flags = value & 0x03;
// overflow handling
if (flags & 0x01) return -100;
float voltage = (value >> 3) * 4e-3; // fixed 4 mV
return voltage;
float INA219::getPower()
uint16_t value = _readRegister(INA219_POWER);
return value * 20 * _current_LSB;
// needs _current_LSB factor?
float INA219::getCurrent()
int16_t value = _readRegister(INA219_CURRENT);
return value * _current_LSB;
void INA219::reset()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config |= 0x8000;
_writeRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION, config);
// reset calibration
_current_LSB = 0;
_maxCurrent = 0;
_shunt = 0;
bool INA219::setBusVoltageRange(uint8_t voltage)
if (voltage > 32) return false;
if (voltage > 16) voltage = 32;
else voltage = 16;
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
if (voltage == 32) config |= INA219_CONF_BUS_RANGE_VOLTAGE;
_writeRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION, config);
return true;
uint8_t INA219::getBusVoltageRange()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
if (config & INA219_CONF_BUS_RANGE_VOLTAGE) return 32;
return 16;
bool INA219::setGain(uint8_t factor)
if (factor != 1 && factor != 2 && factor != 4 && factor != 8)
return false;
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= ~INA219_CONF_PROG_GAIN;
if (factor == 2) config |= (1 << 11);
else if (factor == 4) config |= (2 << 11);
else if (factor == 8) config |= (3 << 11);
_writeRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION, config);
return true;
uint8_t INA219::getGain()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
uint16_t mask = (config & INA219_CONF_PROG_GAIN);
if (mask == 0x0000) return 1;
else if (mask == 0x0800) return 2;
else if (mask == 0x1000) return 4;
return 8;
bool INA219::setBusADC(uint8_t mask)
if (mask > 0x000F) return false;
// TODO improve this one. datasheet.
// two functions
// setBusResolution + setBusSamples()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= ~INA219_CONF_BUS_ADC;
config |= (mask << 7);
// if (bits == 10) config |= (1 << 7);
// else if (bits == 11) config |= (2 << 7);
// else if (bits == 12) config |= (3 << 7);
_writeRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION, config);
return true;
uint8_t INA219::getBusADC()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= INA219_CONF_BUS_ADC;
return config >> 7;
bool INA219::setShuntADC(uint8_t mask)
if (mask > 0x000F) return false;
// TODO improve this one. datasheet.
// two functions
// setShuntResolution + setShuntSamples()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= ~INA219_CONF_SHUNT_ADC;
config |= (mask << 3);
_writeRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION, config);
return true;
uint8_t INA219::getShuntADC()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= INA219_CONF_SHUNT_ADC;
return config >> 3;
bool INA219::setMode(uint8_t mode)
if (mode > 8) return false;
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= ~INA219_CONF_MODE;
config |= mode;
_writeRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION, config);
return true;
uint8_t INA219::getMode()
uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA219_CONFIGURATION);
config &= INA219_CONF_MODE;
return config;
bool INA219::setMaxCurrentShunt(float maxCurrent, float shunt)
#define printdebug true
uint16_t calib = 0;
if (maxCurrent < 0.001) return false;
if (shunt < 0.001) return false;
// _current_LSB = maxCurrent / 32768;
_current_LSB = maxCurrent * 3.0517578125e-5;
_maxCurrent = maxCurrent;
_shunt = shunt;
calib = round(0.04096 / (_current_LSB * shunt));
_writeRegister(INA219_CALIBRATION, calib);
#ifdef printdebug
Serial.print(_current_LSB, 8);
Serial.println(" uA / bit");
Serial.print("Max current:\t");
Serial.print(_maxCurrent, 3);
Serial.println(" A");
Serial.print(_shunt, 8);
Serial.println(" ohm Ω");
return true;
uint16_t INA219::_readRegister(uint8_t reg)
_wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)2);
uint16_t value = _wire->read();
value <<= 8;
value |= _wire->read();
return value;
uint16_t INA219::_writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t value)
_wire->write(value >> 8);
_wire->write(value & 0xFF);
return _wire->endTransmission();
// -- END OF FILE --