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Arduino library for I2C ASDX pressure sensor
The ASDX sensor of Honeywell exist in many variations. Check the datasheet of your type for all the details.
The I2C_ASDX library can read the sensor and give the pressure in millibar, bar or PSI or many other units. See below.
The interface:
- I2C_ASDX(address, psi) Constructor, I2C address and maximum pressure.
- void begin(sda, scl) I2C parameters for ESP32 a.o.
- void begin() for UNO and other boards supporting Wire.
- void reset() resets internal variables, incl pressure.
- bool isConnected() tests if address can be found on I2C bus.
- bool available() wrapper around isConnected. Obsolete in the future.
Before any call to getPressure() one need to call read() unless one wants the last value read.
- int read() actually reads the sensor, checks for errors, calculates the pressure and set lastRead, Returns I2C_ASDX_OK or error code.
- int getPressure() retuns pressure (integer format) in milliBar, will return 0 after reset() and no read done.
- float getMilliBar() returns pressure in milliBar.
- float getBar() returns presure in bar.
- float getPSI() returns pressure in PSI = Pounds per Square Inch.
- float getATM() returns pressure in Atmosphere.
- float getDynes() returns pressure in Dynes.
- float getInchHg() returns pressure in inches mercury.
- float getInchH2O() returns pressure in inches water.
- float getPascal() returns pressure in Pascal. Note this is the SI unit.
- float getTORR() returns pressure in TORR.
- float getCmHg() returns pressure in centimeter mercury.
- float getCmH2O() returns pressure in centimeter water.
- float getMSW() returns pressure in Meters of Sea Water. (under water pressure unit).
- uint16_t errorCount() total counter for the number of errors occured.
- uint32_t lastRead() time in millis of last succesful read of the sensor.
- int state() last known state of read, also returned by read()
The library is tested with only 3 different sensors, all of the PG type.
Code is prepared but not tested for 15, 5 and 1 PSI too.
output is porportional to difference
PG PSI Gage * between applied pressure and atmospheric pressure
MG mBar Gage * idem
BG Bar Gage * idem
KG KiloPascal Gage * idem
D Differential * between pressure applied to each of the ports.
A Absolute * between applied pressure and built-in reference to vacuum.
0x58 100 psi 0..6895 mBar SSCDANN 100PG 5 A 5
0x38 60 psi 0..4137 mbar SSCDANN 060PG 3 A 5
0x28 30 psi 0..2068 mbar SSCDANN 030PG 2 A 5
P = pressure range
A = I2C address indicator
T = accuracy range
V = voltage (3 volt also supported, not tested)
That saidm it is expected that the library is modifyable to support many more as long as they have the following raw read values.
1638 = 0 PSI
14746 = max PSI
TESTED TYPES - type A 10% - 90% only
- multiple Wire interface (breaks interface)
- test isCOnnected in bool begin(). (breaks interface?)
- find a good reference for conversion formula constants.
See examples