2022-02-07 17:43:28 +01:00

116 lines
3.2 KiB

#pragma once
// FILE: AM232X.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// PURPOSE: AM232X Temperature and Humidity sensor library for Arduino
// VERSION: 0.4.1
// URL:
// AM232X PIN layout AM2315 COLOR
// ============================================
// bottom view DESCRIPTION COLOR
// +---+
// |o | VDD RED
// |o | SDA YELLOW
// |o | GND BLACK
// |o | SCL GREY
// +---+
// do not forget pull up resistors between SDA, SCL and VDD.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define AM232X_LIB_VERSION (F("0.4.1"))
#define AM232X_OK 0
#define AM232X_ERROR_UNKNOWN -10
#define AM232X_ERROR_CONNECT -11
#define AM232X_ERROR_FUNCTION -12
#define AM232X_ERROR_ADDRESS -13
#define AM232X_ERROR_REGISTER -14
#define AM232X_ERROR_CRC_1 -15
#define AM232X_ERROR_CRC_2 -16
#define AM232X_ERROR_WRITE_COUNT -18
#define AM232X_MISSING_BYTES -19
#define AM232X_READ_TOO_FAST -20
from datasheet
0x80: not support function code
0x81: Read an illegal address
0x82: write data beyond the scope
0x83: CRC checksum error
0x84: Write disabled
class AM232X
explicit AM232X(TwoWire *wire = &Wire);
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
bool begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl);
bool begin();
// datasheet 8.2 - wake up is min 800 us max 3000 us
bool isConnected(uint16_t timeout = 3000);
int read();
// lastRead is in MilliSeconds since start sketch
uint32_t lastRead() { return _lastRead; };
// set readDelay to 0 will reset to datasheet values
uint16_t getReadDelay() { return _readDelay; };
void setReadDelay(uint16_t rd = 0) { _readDelay = rd; };
int getModel();
int getVersion();
uint32_t getDeviceID();
int getStatus();
int getUserRegisterA();
int getUserRegisterB();
int setStatus(uint8_t value);
int setUserRegisterA(int value);
int setUserRegisterB(int value);
float getHumidity();
float getTemperature();
// adding offsets works well in normal range
// might introduce under- or overflow at the ends of the sensor range
void setHumOffset(float offset) { _humOffset = offset; };
void setTempOffset(float offset) { _tempOffset = offset; };
float getHumOffset() { return _humOffset; };
float getTempOffset() { return _tempOffset; };
bool wakeUp() { return isConnected(); };
uint8_t _bits[8];
float _humidity;
float _temperature;
float _humOffset;
float _tempOffset;
uint32_t _lastRead;
uint16_t _readDelay;
int _readRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t cnt);
int _writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t cnt, int16_t value);
int _getData(uint8_t length);
uint16_t _crc16(uint8_t *ptr, uint8_t len);
TwoWire* _wire;
// -- END OF FILE --