2021-10-19 19:44:42 +02:00

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#pragma once
// FILE: Complex.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.2.4
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for Complex math
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/Complex
// http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/ComplexMath
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Printable.h"
#define COMPLEX_LIB_VERSION (F("0.2.4"))
class Complex: public Printable
Complex(const float r = 0, const float i = 0) : re(r), im(i) {};
Complex(const Complex &c) : re(c.re), im(c.im) {};
void set(const float r, const float i ) { re = r; im = i; };
void setReal(const float r) { re = r; };
void setImag(const float i ) { im = i; };
float real() { return re; };
float imag() { return im; };
size_t printTo(Print& p) const;
void polar(const float modulus, const float phase);
float phase() { return atan2(im, re); };
float modulus() { return hypot(re, im); };
// conjugate is the number mirrored in x-axis
Complex conjugate() { return Complex(re, -im); };
Complex reciprocal();
bool operator == (const Complex&);
bool operator != (const Complex&);
Complex operator - (); // negation
Complex operator + (const Complex&);
Complex operator - (const Complex&);
Complex operator * (const Complex&);
Complex operator / (const Complex&);
Complex& operator += (const Complex&);
Complex& operator -= (const Complex&);
Complex& operator *= (const Complex&);
Complex& operator /= (const Complex&);
Complex c_sqrt();
Complex c_sqr();
Complex c_exp();
Complex c_log();
Complex c_log10();
Complex c_pow(const Complex &);
Complex c_logn(const Complex &);
Complex c_sin();
Complex c_cos();
Complex c_tan();
Complex c_asin();
Complex c_acos();
Complex c_atan();
Complex c_csc();
Complex c_sec();
Complex c_cot();
Complex c_acsc();
Complex c_asec();
Complex c_acot();
Complex c_sinh();
Complex c_cosh();
Complex c_tanh();
Complex c_asinh();
Complex c_acosh();
Complex c_atanh();
Complex c_csch();
Complex c_sech();
Complex c_coth();
Complex c_acsch();
Complex c_asech();
Complex c_acoth();
float re;
float im;
Complex gonioHelper1(const byte);
Complex gonioHelper2(const byte);
static Complex one(1, 0);
// -- END OF FILE --