2024-08-26 17:51:51 +02:00

131 lines
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#pragma once
// FILE: I2C_LCD.h
// AUTHOR: Rob.Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.2.2
// DATE: 2023-12-16
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for I2C_LCD
// URL:
#define I2C_LCD_LIB_VERSION (F("0.2.2"))
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
const uint8_t POSITIVE = 1;
const uint8_t NEGATIVE = 0;
class I2C_LCD : public Print
// only one constructor
explicit I2C_LCD(uint8_t address, TwoWire * wire = &Wire);
// adjust pins
void config(uint8_t address, uint8_t enable, uint8_t readWrite, uint8_t registerSelect,
uint8_t data4, uint8_t data5, uint8_t data6, uint8_t data7,
uint8_t backLight, uint8_t polarity);
// only supports 5x8 char set for now.
// blocks up to 100 milliseconds to give LCD time to boot
bool begin(uint8_t cols = 20, uint8_t rows = 4);
bool isConnected();
void setBacklightPin(uint8_t pin, uint8_t polarity);
void setBacklight(bool on);
void backlight() { setBacklight(true); };
void noBacklight() { setBacklight(false); };
void display();
void noDisplay();
void on() { display(); };
void off() { noDisplay(); };
void clear(); // clears whole screen
void clearEOL(); // clears line from current pos.
void home();
bool setCursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t row);
void noBlink();
void blink();
void noCursor();
void cursor();
void scrollDisplayLeft();
void scrollDisplayRight();
void moveCursorRight(uint8_t n = 1);
void moveCursorLeft(uint8_t n = 1);
// next 4 limited support
void autoscroll();
void noAutoscroll();
void leftToRight();
void rightToLeft();
// 8 definable characters
void createChar(uint8_t index, uint8_t * charmap);
// clean way to print them
inline size_t special(uint8_t index) { return write((uint8_t)index); };
size_t write(uint8_t c);
size_t center(uint8_t row, const char * message);
size_t right(uint8_t col, uint8_t row, const char * message);
size_t repeat(uint8_t c, uint8_t times);
// DEBUG development
uint8_t getColumn() { return _pos; }; // works.
uint32_t getWriteCount() { return _count; }; // works
void sendData(uint8_t value);
void sendCommand(uint8_t value);
void send(uint8_t value, bool dataFlag);
void write4bits(uint8_t value);
uint8_t _address = 0;
TwoWire * _wire = NULL;
uint8_t _enable = 4;
uint8_t _readWrite = 2;
uint8_t _registerSelect = 1;
uint8_t _dataPin[4] = { 16, 32, 64, 128 }; // == pin 4, 5, 6, 7
// minor optimization only for pins = 4,5,6,7
bool _pin4567 = true;
uint8_t _backLightPin = 8;
uint8_t _backLightPol = 1;
uint8_t _backLight = 1;
uint8_t _cols = 20;
uint8_t _rows = 4;
// DISPLAYCONTROL bit always on, set in constructor.
uint8_t _displayControl = 0;
// overflow protection
uint8_t _pos = 0;
uint32_t _count = 0;
// -- END OF FILE --