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The device can be controlled by SPI or I2C. This library implements only an I2C interface The I2C address can be adjusted by 2 address lines A0 and A1. Addresses go from 0x4C (76) .. 0x4F (79). See table 3 datasheet. ## Interface The library provides 3 kinds of interfaces (PAIR, SHADOW, MUX). Mixing these interfaces is allowed but definitely not advised as especially the PAIR interface assumes that A and B selections are kept in sync. So depending on your application choose the interface you want to use. ### Constructor - **MAX14661(deviceAddress, TwoWire \*wire = &Wire)** Constructor with device address, and optional the Wire interface as parameter. - **bool begin()** initializes the wire interface. - **bool begin(sda, scl)** idem, for the ESP32 where one can choose the I2C pins. - **bool isConnected()** checks if the address is visible on the I2C bus. ### PAIR interface The functions in this interface part all work symmetrical on the A and B line. They are managed as a PAIR. So this is ideal e.g. to multiplex an I2C bus or a Serial TX/RX pair line. The interface allows to have multiple lines A/B open in parallel. // open ==> connect - **bool openChannel(uint8_t channel)** connects A/B to output channel - **bool closeChannel(uint8_t channel)** disconnects channel from A/B - **bool isOpenChannel(uint8_t channel)** returns true if connected to A/B - **void openAllChannels()** connects all channels - **void closeAllChannels()** disconnects all channels - **void setChannels(uint16_t mask)** connect multiple channels with a bit mask. - **uint16_t getChannels()** returns a bit mask of the channels connected. ### SHADOW interface experimental - to be tested. The SHADOW interface allows one to prepare which channels should be selected and activate them all at once. - **bool shadowClear()** clears all shadow registers. - **void activateShadow()** write all shadow registers to the direction registers of A and B at once. prepare multiple channels at once. This is way faster than per channel. - **bool setShadowChannelMaskA(uint16_t mask)** write all channels at once. - **uint16_t getShadowChannelMaskA()** read shadow registers - **bool setShadowChannelMaskB(uint16_t mask)** write all channels at once. - **uint16_t getShadowChannelMaskB()** read shadow registers prepare per channel - **bool isOpenShadowChannelA(uint8_t channel)** read status of specific channel in shadow registers. - **void openShadowChannelA(uint8_t channel)** prepare a specific channel to open - **void closeShadowChannelA(uint8_t channel)** prepare a specific channel to close - **bool isOpenShadowChannelB(uint8_t channel)** read status of specific channel in shadow registers. - **void openShadowChannelB(uint8_t channel)** prepare a specific channel to open. - **void closeShadowChannelB(uint8_t channel)** prepare a specific channel to close. ### MUX interface The MUX interface allows one channel (0..15) to be open at a time. - **void MUXA(uint8_t channel)** if channel < 16 only that channel will be selected. All other values will select no channel. - **uint8_t getMUXA()** returns the selected channel. 255 means none selected. - **void MUXB(uint8_t channel)** if channel < 16 only that channel will be selected. All other values will select no channel. - **uint8_t getMUXB()** returns the selected channel. 255 means none selected. ### FULL CONTROL interface Full control per channel, any combination is possible. Use with care as these can interfere e.g. with the PAIR interface. All functions return false if channel > 15. - **bool openA(uint8_t channel)** idem - **bool openB(uint8_t channel)** idem - **bool closeA(uint8_t channel)** idem - **bool closeB(uint8_t channel)** idem ### LOW LEVEL CONTROL interface Check datasheet for these values of the registers. - **uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t reg)** read low level device register. - **int writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)** write value to device register. ### Misc - **int lastError()** returns the last error, limited to I2C for now. ## Error codes to be elaborated (see future). ## Operation See examples ## Future #### must - improve documentation #### should - test behaviour - write unit tests. - error handling #### could - optimize low level bit set/clr/get read/write 2 bytes at once. - test I2C speed. - measure performance. - initial values parameter for begin()? - SPI interface.