# Change Log runningAverage All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.4.4] - 2023-10-18 - update readme.md badges - update examples - add two step example - minor edits ## [0.4.3] - 2022-11-23 - add changelog.md - add RP2040 to build-CI - add examples - add getAverageSubset(start, count) - experimental - update readme.md ## [0.4.2] - 2021-12-28 - update license - minor edits ## [0.4.1] - 2021-11-22 - updated buil-CI, readme, badges - add getAverageLast() functions. ## [0.4.0] - 2021-05-18 - increase size above 256 elements (16 bit version) ---- ## [0.3.2] - 2021-01-15 - add add() - license - refactor ## [0.3.1] - 2020-06-19 - fix library.json - minor refactor ## [0.3.0] - 2020-04-16 - main refactor ---- ## [0.2.16] - 2020-04-16 - improve \_sum - see issue #149 (bourkemcrobbo) ## [0.2.15] - 2020-01-17 - fix overflow in getValue - see issue #139 ## [0.2.14] - 2020-01-15 - added getValue(n) to retrieve elements in order of addition - see issue #132 ## [0.2.13] - 2017-07-26 - revert double to float - issue #33; - refactored a bit; marked some TODO's - all function names to camelCase ## [0.2.12] - 2016-12-01 - add GetStandardDeviation() - add GetStandardError() - add BufferIsFull() (V0v1kkk) ## [0.2.11] - 2015-09-04 - add getMaxInBuffer() getMinInBuffer() request (Antoon) ## [0.2.10] - 2015-09-01 - added getFastAverage() - refactored getAverage() - http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=50473 ## [0.2.09] - 2015-07-12 - refactor const - refactor constructor ## [0.2.08] - 2015-04-10 - refactor getMin() and getMax() implementation ## [0.2.07] - 2015-03-16 - added getMin() and getMax() functions (Eric Mulder) ## [0.2.06] - 2015-03-07 - all size uint8_t ## [0.2.05] - 2014-12-16 - changed float -> double ## [0.2.04] - 2014-07-03 - added memory protection ## [0.2.03] - 2013-11-31 - add getElement() ## [0.2.02] - 2012-12-30 - refactored trimValue -> fillValue ## [0.2.01] - 2012-11-21 - refactored ## [0.2.00] - 2012-??-?? - Yuval Naveh added trimValue (found on web) - http://stromputer.googlecode.com/svn-history/r74/trunk/Arduino/Libraries/RunningAverage/RunningAverage.cpp ---- ## [0.1.01] - 2011-02-28 - fixed missing destructor in .h ## [0.1.00] - 2011-01-30 - initial version