// FILE: INA226.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.5.0 // DATE: 2021-05-18 // PURPOSE: Arduino library for INA226 power sensor // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/INA226 #include "INA226.h" // REGISTERS #define INA226_CONFIGURATION 0x00 #define INA226_SHUNT_VOLTAGE 0x01 #define INA226_BUS_VOLTAGE 0x02 #define INA226_POWER 0x03 #define INA226_CURRENT 0x04 #define INA226_CALIBRATION 0x05 #define INA226_MASK_ENABLE 0x06 #define INA226_ALERT_LIMIT 0x07 #define INA226_MANUFACTURER 0xFE #define INA226_DIE_ID 0xFF // CONFIGURATION MASKS #define INA226_CONF_RESET_MASK 0x8000 #define INA226_CONF_AVERAGE_MASK 0x0E00 #define INA226_CONF_BUSVC_MASK 0x01C0 #define INA226_CONF_SHUNTVC_MASK 0x0038 #define INA226_CONF_MODE_MASK 0x0007 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // INA226::INA226(const uint8_t address, TwoWire *wire) { _address = address; _wire = wire; // not calibrated values by default. _current_LSB = 0; _maxCurrent = 0; _shunt = 0; } bool INA226::begin() { if (! isConnected()) return false; return true; } bool INA226::isConnected() { _wire->beginTransmission(_address); return ( _wire->endTransmission() == 0); } uint8_t INA226::getAddress() { return _address; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Core functions // float INA226::getShuntVoltage() { int16_t val = _readRegister(INA226_SHUNT_VOLTAGE); return val * 2.5e-6; // fixed 2.50 uV } float INA226::getBusVoltage() { uint16_t val = _readRegister(INA226_BUS_VOLTAGE); return val * 1.25e-3; // fixed 1.25 mV } float INA226::getPower() { uint16_t val = _readRegister(INA226_POWER); return val * 25 * _current_LSB; // fixed 25 Watt } float INA226::getCurrent() { int16_t val = _readRegister(INA226_CURRENT); return val * _current_LSB; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Configuration // void INA226::reset() { uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask |= INA226_CONF_RESET_MASK; _writeRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION, mask); // reset calibration _current_LSB = 0; _maxCurrent = 0; _shunt = 0; } bool INA226::setAverage(uint8_t avg) { if (avg > 7) return false; uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask &= ~INA226_CONF_AVERAGE_MASK; mask |= (avg << 9); _writeRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION, mask); return true; } uint8_t INA226::getAverage() { uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask &= INA226_CONF_AVERAGE_MASK; mask >>= 9; return mask; } bool INA226::setBusVoltageConversionTime(uint8_t bvct) { if (bvct > 7) return false; uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask &= ~INA226_CONF_BUSVC_MASK; mask |= (bvct << 6); _writeRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION, mask); return true; } uint8_t INA226::getBusVoltageConversionTime() { uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask &= INA226_CONF_BUSVC_MASK; mask >>= 6; return mask; } bool INA226::setShuntVoltageConversionTime(uint8_t svct) { if (svct > 7) return false; uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask &= ~INA226_CONF_SHUNTVC_MASK; mask |= (svct << 3); _writeRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION, mask); return true; } uint8_t INA226::getShuntVoltageConversionTime() { uint16_t mask = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mask &= INA226_CONF_SHUNTVC_MASK; mask >>= 3; return mask; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calibration // int INA226::setMaxCurrentShunt(float maxCurrent, float shunt, bool normalize) { // #define printdebug true // fix #16 - datasheet 6.5 Electrical Characteristics // rounded value to 80 mV float shuntVoltage = abs(maxCurrent * shunt); if (shuntVoltage > 0.080) return INA226_ERR_SHUNTVOLTAGE_HIGH; if (maxCurrent < 0.001) return INA226_ERR_MAXCURRENT_LOW; if (shunt < INA226_MINIMAL_SHUNT) return INA226_ERR_SHUNT_LOW; _current_LSB = maxCurrent * 3.0517578125e-5; // maxCurrent / 32768; #ifdef printdebug Serial.println(); Serial.print("normalize:\t"); Serial.println(normalize ? " true":" false"); Serial.print("initial current_LSB:\t"); Serial.print(_current_LSB, 8); Serial.println(" uA / bit"); #endif uint32_t calib = 0; uint32_t factor = 1; // normalize the LSB to a round number // LSB will increase if (normalize) { calib = round(0.00512 / (_current_LSB * shunt)); _current_LSB = 0.00512 / (calib * shunt); #ifdef printdebug Serial.print("Prescale current_LSB:\t"); Serial.print(_current_LSB, 8); Serial.println(" uA / bit"); #endif // auto scale current_LSB factor = 1; while (_current_LSB < 1) { _current_LSB *= 10; factor *= 10; } _current_LSB = 1.0 / factor; } // auto scale calibration calib = round(0.00512 / (_current_LSB * shunt)); while (calib > 65535) { _current_LSB *= 10; calib /= 10; } _writeRegister(INA226_CALIBRATION, calib); _maxCurrent = _current_LSB * 32768; _shunt = shunt; #ifdef printdebug Serial.print("factor:\t"); Serial.println(factor); Serial.print("Final current_LSB:\t"); Serial.print(_current_LSB, 8); Serial.println(" uA / bit"); Serial.print("Calibration:\t"); Serial.println(calib); Serial.print("Max current:\t"); Serial.print(_maxCurrent); Serial.println(" A"); Serial.print("Shunt:\t"); Serial.print(_shunt, 8); Serial.println(" ohm"); Serial.print("ShuntV:\t"); Serial.print(shuntVoltage, 4); Serial.println(" Volt"); #endif return INA226_ERR_NONE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // operating mode // bool INA226::setMode(uint8_t mode) { if (mode > 7) return false; uint16_t config = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); config &= ~INA226_CONF_MODE_MASK; config |= mode; _writeRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION, config); return true; } uint8_t INA226::getMode() { uint16_t mode = _readRegister(INA226_CONFIGURATION); mode &= INA226_CONF_MODE_MASK; return mode; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // alert // void INA226::setAlertRegister(uint16_t mask) { _writeRegister(INA226_MASK_ENABLE, (mask & 0xFC00)); } uint16_t INA226::getAlertFlag() { return _readRegister(INA226_MASK_ENABLE) & 0x001F; } void INA226::setAlertLimit(uint16_t limit) { _writeRegister(INA226_ALERT_LIMIT, limit); } uint16_t INA226::getAlertLimit() { return _readRegister(INA226_ALERT_LIMIT); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // meta information // uint16_t INA226::getManufacturerID() { return _readRegister(INA226_MANUFACTURER); } uint16_t INA226::getDieID() { return _readRegister(INA226_DIE_ID); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PRIVATE // uint16_t INA226::_readRegister(uint8_t reg) { _wire->beginTransmission(_address); _wire->write(reg); _wire->endTransmission(); _wire->requestFrom(_address, (uint8_t)2); uint16_t value = _wire->read(); value <<= 8; value |= _wire->read(); return value; } uint16_t INA226::_writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint16_t value) { _wire->beginTransmission(_address); _wire->write(reg); _wire->write(value >> 8); _wire->write(value & 0xFF); return _wire->endTransmission(); } // -- END OF FILE --