// // FILE: ansi.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.1.5 // PURPOSE: Arduino library to send ANSI escape sequences // DATE: 2020-04-28 // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/ANSI // // 0.1.0 2020-04-28 initial version // 0.1.1 2020-05-27 update library.json // 0.1.2 2020-07-08 added clearLine + color support (thanks airbornemint) // 0.1.3 2020-12-11 added Arduino-CI + unit test (minimal) // 0.1.4 2020-10-18 updated Arduino-CI (esp32) + examples // 0.1.5 2020-12-13 update library.json, license, minor edits // add write(array, length); #include "ansi.h" ANSI::ANSI(Stream * stream) { _stream = stream; } int ANSI::available() { return _stream->available(); } int ANSI::read() { return _stream->read(); } int ANSI::peek() { return _stream->peek(); } void ANSI::clearScreen() { print("\033[2J"); home(); } void ANSI::clearLine(uint8_t clear) { print("\033["); print(clear); print("K"); } // ANSI has three different color spaces: 4-bit color, 8-bit color, and 24-bit color // The are rendered with SGR 30-37,90-97/40-47,100-107, SGR 38;5/48;5, and SGR 38;2/48;2, respectively // The 4-bit color space is the most widely compatible and the most compactly transmitted enum { fg_normal = 30, bg_normal = 40, bright_color = 52, extended_color = 8, extended_color8 = 5, extended_color24 = 2, }; void ANSI::color4_code(uint8_t base, uint8_t color) { if (color < 8) { print(base + color); } else { print(base + bright_color + color); } } void ANSI::color4(uint8_t base, uint8_t color) { print("\033["); this->color4_code(base, color); print("m"); } void ANSI::colors4(uint8_t fgcolor, uint8_t bgcolor) { print("\033["); this->color4_code(fg_normal, fgcolor); print(";"); this->color4_code(bg_normal, bgcolor); print("m"); } void ANSI::color8(uint8_t base, uint8_t color) { print("\033["); print(base + extended_color); print(";"); print(extended_color8); print(";"); print(color); print("m"); } void ANSI::foreground(uint8_t fgcolor) { if (fgcolor < 16) { this->color4(fg_normal, fgcolor); } else { this->color8(fg_normal, fgcolor); } } void ANSI::background(uint8_t bgcolor) { if (bgcolor < 16) { this->color4(bg_normal, bgcolor); } else { this->color8(bg_normal, bgcolor); } } void ANSI::color(uint8_t fgcolor, uint8_t bgcolor) { if (fgcolor < 16 && bgcolor < 16) { this->colors4(fgcolor, bgcolor); } else { this->color8(fg_normal, fgcolor); this->color8(bg_normal, bgcolor); } } uint8_t ANSI::rgb2color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return 16 + 36 * (uint16_t(r) * 6 / 256) + 6 * (uint16_t(g) * 6 / 256) + (uint16_t(b) * 6 / 256); } void ANSI::gotoXY(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { print("\033["); print(x); print(";"); print(y); print("H"); } void ANSI::cursorUp(uint8_t x) { print("\033["); print(x); print("A"); } void ANSI::cursorDown(uint8_t x) { print("\033["); print(x); print("B"); } void ANSI::cursorForward(uint8_t x) { print("\033["); print(x); print("C"); } void ANSI::cursorBack(uint8_t x) { print("\033["); print(x); print("D"); } size_t ANSI::write(uint8_t c) { // TODO add line buffer? - interference with write(array, length) !? return _stream->write(c); } size_t ANSI::write(uint8_t * array, uint8_t length) { return _stream->write(array, length); } // -- END OF FILE --