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(See datasheet, ch. 6) | description | max | unit | |:--------------|------:|-------:| | bus voltage | 36 | Volt | | shunt voltage | 80 | mVolt | | current | ?? | Ampere | The sensor can have 16 different I2C addresses, which depends on how the A0 and A1 address lines are connected to the SCL, SDA, GND and VCC pins. See datasheet - table 2 - datasheet. TODO: elaborate. ## Interface read datasheet for details ### Constructor - **INA226(const int8_t address, TwoWire \*wire = Wire)** Constructor to set address and optional Wire interface. - **bool begin(const uint8_t sda, const uint8_t scl)** for ESP32 and ESP8266; initializes the class. sets I2C pins. Returns true if the INA226 address is on the I2C bus. - **bool begin()** UNO ea. initializes the class. returns true if the INA226 address is on the I2C bus. - **bool isConnected()** returns true if the INA226 address is on the I2C bus. ### Core Functions Note the power and the current are not meaningful without calibrating the sensor. Also the value is not meaningful if there is no shunt connected. - **float getShuntVoltage()** idem. - **float getBusVoltage()** idem. Max 36 Volt. - **float getCurrent()** is the current through the shunt. - **float getPower()** is the current x BusVoltage ### Configuration to be tested. - **void reset()** software power on reset - **void setAverage(uint8_t avg = 0)** see table below (0 = default ==> 1 read) - **uint8_t getAverage()** returns the value set. Note this is not the count of samples. - **void setBusVoltageConversionTime(uint8_t bvct = 4)** see table below (4 = default ==> 1.1 ms) - **uint8_t getBusVoltageConversionTime()** return the value set. Note this is not a unit of time. - **void setShuntVoltageConversionTime(uint8_t svct = 4)** see table below (4 = default ==> 1.1 ms) - **uint8_t getShuntVoltageConversionTime()** return the value set. Note this is not a unit of time. | Average | # samples | notes | |:-------:|----------:|--------:| | 0 | 1 | default | | 1 | 4 | | | 2 | 16 | | | 3 | 64 | | | 4 | 128 | | | 5 | 256 | | | 6 | 512 | | | 7 | 1024 | | | BVCT SVCT | time | notes | |:---------:|----------:|--------:| | 0 | 140 us | | 1 | 204 us | | 2 | 332 us | | 3 | 588 us | | 4 | 1.1 ms | default | | 5 | 2.1 ms | | 6 | 4.2 ms | | 7 | 8.3 ms | Note that total conversion time can take up to 1024 \* 8.3 ms ~ 10 seconds. ### Calibration See daatsheet, not tested yet. - **void setMaxCurrentShunt(float ampere = 10.0, float ohm = 0.1)** set the calibration register based upon the shunt and the max ampere. From this the LSB is derived. Note the function will round up the LSB to nearest round value. - **float getCurrentLSB()** returns the LSB == precission of the calibration ### Operating mode See datasheet, partially tested. Mode = 4 is not used, is also a **shutdown()** unknown if there is a difference. - **void setMode(uint8_t mode = 7)** mode = 0 .. 7 - **void shutDown()** mode 0 - not tested yet - **void setModeShuntTrigger()** mode 1 - not tested yet - how to trigger to be investigated - **void setModeBusTrigger()** mode 2 - not tested yet - - **void setModeShuntBusTrigger()** mode 3 - not tested yet - - **void setModeShuntContinuous()** mode 5 - **void setModeBusContinuous()** mode 6 - **void setModeShuntBusContinuous()** mode 7 - default - **uint8_t getMode()** returns the mode (0..7) set by one of the functions above. ### Alert functions See datasheet, not tested yet. - **void setAlertRegister(uint16_t mask)** by setting the mask one of five an over- or underflow can be detected. Another feature that can be set si the conversion ready flag. - **uint16_t getAlertFlag()** returns the mask set by **setAlertRegister()** - **void setAlertLimit(uint16_t limit)** sets the limit that belongs to the chosen Alert Flag - **uint16_t getAlertLimit()** returns the limit set by **setAlertLimit()** | description alert register | value | a.k.a. | |:---------------------------|-------:| -------:| | INA226_SHUNT_OVER_VOLTAGE | 0x8000 | SOL | | INA226_SHUNT_UNDER_VOLTAGE | 0x4000 | SUL | | INA226_BUS_OVER_VOLTAGE | 0x2000 | BOL | | INA226_BUS_UNDER_VOLTAGE | 0x1000 | BUL | | INA226_POWER_OVER_LIMIT | 0x0800 | POL | | INA226_CONVERSION_READY | 0x0400 | | | description alert flags | value | |:-------------------------------|-------:| | INA226_ALERT_FUNCTION_FLAG | 0x0010 | | INA226_CONVERSION_READY_FLAG | 0x0008 | | INA226_MATH_OVERFLOW_FLAG | 0x0004 | | INA226_ALERT_POLARITY_FLAG | 0x0002 | | INA226_ALERT_LATCH_ENABLE_FLAG | 0x0001 | The alert line falls when alert is reached. ### Meta information - **uint16_t getManufacturerID()** should return 0x5449 - **uint16_t getDieID()** should return 0x2260 ## Operational See examples.. Not all examples are tested. ## TODO - testtestestest - improve readme.md