// // FILE: temperature.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.3.6 // DATE: 2015-03-29 // PURPOSE: collection temperature functions // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/Temperature #include "temperature.h" float Fahrenheit(float celsius) { return 1.8 * celsius + 32; // 5.0 / 9.0 = 1.8 } float Celsius(float Fahrenheit) { return (Fahrenheit - 32) * 0.55555555555; // 5.0 / 9.0 = 0.555... } float Kelvin(float celsius) { return celsius + 273.15; } // reference: // [1] https://wahiduddin.net/calc/density_algorithms.htm // [2] https://web.archive.org/web/20100528030817/https://www.colorado.edu/geography/weather_station/Geog_site/about.htm // dewPoint function based on code of [2] // calculation of the saturation vapour pressure part is based upon NOAA ESGG(temp) float dewPoint(float celsius, float humidity) { // Calculate saturation vapour pressure // ratio 100C and actual temp in Kelvin float A0 = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius); // SVP = Saturation Vapor Pressure - based on ESGG() NOAA float SVP = -7.90298 * (A0 - 1.0); SVP += 5.02808 * log10(A0); SVP += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * ( 1.0 - 1.0/A0))) - 1.0 ); SVP += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (A0 - 1.0 ))) - 1.0 ) ; SVP += log10(1013.246); // calculate actual vapour pressure VP; // note to convert to KPa the -3 is used float VP = pow(10, SVP - 3) * humidity; float T = log( VP / 0.61078); // temp var return (241.88 * T) / (17.558 - T); } // dewPointFast() is > 5x faster than dewPoint() - run dewpoint_test.ino // delta mdewPointFastax with dewPoint() - run dewpoint_test.ino ==> ~0.347 // (earlier version mentions ~0.6544 but that test code is gone :( // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dew_point float dewPointFast(float celsius, float humidity) { float a = 17.271; float b = 237.7; float temp = (a * celsius) / (b + celsius) + log(humidity/100); float Td = (b * temp) / (a - temp); return Td; } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidex float humidex(float celsius, float dewPoint) { float e = 19.833625 - 5417.753 /(273.16 + dewPoint); float h = celsius + 3.3941 * exp(e) - 5.555; return h; } // 0.3.0 => https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex_equation.shtml // previous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_index // TF = temp in Fahrenheit // RH = relative humidity in % float heatIndex(float TF, float RH) { // Steadman's formula // float HI = 0.5 * (TF + 61.0 + ((TF - 68.0) * 1.2) + (RH * 0.094)); // optimized to: float HI = TF * 1.1 - 10.3 + RH * 0.047; // Rothfusz regression if (HI >= 80) { const float c1 = -42.379; const float c2 = 2.04901523; const float c3 = 10.14333127; const float c4 = -0.22475541; const float c5 = -0.00683783; const float c6 = -0.05481717; const float c7 = 0.00122874; const float c8 = 0.00085282; const float c9 = -0.00000199; float A = (( c5 * TF) + c2) * TF + c1; float B = (((c7 * TF) + c4) * TF + c3) * RH; float C = (((c9 * TF) + c8) * TF + c6) * RH * RH; HI = A + B + C; if ((RH < 13) && (TF <= 112)) { HI -= ((13 - RH) / 4) * sqrt((17 - abs(TF - 95.0)) / 17); } if ((RH > 87) && (TF < 87)) { HI += ((RH - 85) / 10) * ((87 - TF) / 5); } } return HI; } // 0.3.0 => https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex_equation.shtml // previous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_index // TC = temp in Celsius // RH = relative humidity in % float heatIndexC(float TC, float RH) { if ( (TC < 27) || (RH < 40)) return TC; float TF = Fahrenheit(TC); return Celsius(heatIndex(TF, RH)); /* const float c1 = -8.78469475556; const float c2 = 1.61139411; const float c3 = 2.33854883889; const float c4 = -0.14611605; const float c5 = -0.012308094; const float c6 = -0.0164248277778; const float c7 = 0.002211732; const float c8 = 0.00072546; const float c9 = -0.000003582; float A = (( c5 * Celsius) + c2) * Celsius + c1; float B = (((c7 * Celsius) + c4) * Celsius + c3) * humidity; float C = (((c9 * Celsius) + c8) * Celsius + c6) * humidity * humidity; return A + B + C; */ } // https://carnotcycle.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/how-to-convert-relative-humidity-to-absolute-humidity/ // Absolute Humidity (grams/m3) = 6.112 × e^[(17.67 × T)/(T+243.5)] × rh × 2.1674 // ----------------------------------------------- // (273.15+T) float absoluteHumidity(float Celsius, float relHumidity) { float TC = Celsius; float AH = (2.1674 * 6.112) * relHumidity; AH *= exp((17.67 * TC)/(243.5 + TC)); AH /= (273.15 + TC); return AH; } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_chill // US = Fahrenheit / miles / hour // METRIC = Celsius / meter / hour (sec) // wind speed @ 10 meter, // if convert is true => wind speed will be converted to 1.5 meter // else ==> formula assumes wind speed @ 1.5 meter // US float WindChill_F_mph(const float Fahrenheit, const float milesPerHour, const bool convert) { if ((milesPerHour < 3.0) || (Fahrenheit > 50)) return Fahrenheit; float windSpeed = milesPerHour; if (convert) windSpeed = pow(milesPerHour, 0.16); return 35.74 + 0.6125 * Fahrenheit + (0.4275 * Fahrenheit - 35.75) * windSpeed; } // METRIC - standard wind chill formula for Environment Canada float WindChill_C_kmph(const float Celsius, const float kilometerPerHour, const bool convert) { if ((kilometerPerHour < 4.8) || (Celsius > 10)) return Celsius; float windSpeed = kilometerPerHour; if (convert) windSpeed = pow(kilometerPerHour, 0.16); return 13.12 + 0.6215 * Celsius + (0.3965 * Celsius - 11.37) * windSpeed; } float WindChill_C_mps(const float Celsius, const float meterPerSecond, const bool convert) { return WindChill_C_kmph(Celsius, meterPerSecond * 3.6, convert); } // https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-altitude-pressure-d_462.html // Does not have the temperature correction ==> it has almost the -5.257 exponent // https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/air-pressure-at-altitude // similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barometric_formula // // Note: altitude in meters. float baroToSeaLevelC( float pressure, float celsius, float altitude) { float altitudeFactor = 0.0065 * altitude; float kelvin = celsius + 273.15; return pressure * pow( 1 - (altitudeFactor / (kelvin + altitudeFactor)), -5.257); } // https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/air-pressure-at-altitude // temperature (Celsius) at altitude (meter) float seaLevelToAltitude( float pressureSeaLevel, float celsius, float altitude) { float kelvin = celsius + 273.15; // P = P0 * exp( -g.M.h / (R.T)); float factor = -9.80655 * 0.0289644 / 8.31432; factor /= kelvin; return pressureSeaLevel * exp(factor * abs(altitude)); } float altitudeToSeaLevel( float pressure, float celsius, float altitude) { float kelvin = celsius + 273.15; // P = P0 * exp( -g.M.h / (R.T)); float factor = 9.80655 * 0.0289644 / 8.31432; factor /= kelvin; return pressure / exp(factor * abs(altitude)); } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_cooking float boilingFahrenheit(float feet) { if (feet >= 0) return 212.1309 - feet * 1.86176954e-3; return 212; } float boilingCelsius(float meter) { if (meter > 0) return 100.08143 - meter * 3.39670635e-3; return 100; } // Celsius = 80..100 float boilingMeter(float Celsius) { if (Celsius >= 100) return 0; return 29458.542 - Celsius * 294.34149; } // -- END OF FILE --