#pragma once // // FILE: Cozir.h // VERSION: 0.3.7 // PURPOSE: library for COZIR range of sensors for Arduino // Polling Mode + stream parser // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/Cozir // http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=91467.0 // // READ DATASHEET BEFORE USE OF THIS LIB ! // #include "Arduino.h" #define COZIR_LIB_VERSION (F("0.3.7")) // OUTPUT FIELDS // See datasheet for details. // These defines can be OR-ed for the SetOutputFields command // #define CZR_UNKNOWN_2 0x8000 // returns P 00128 ? #define CZR_UNKNOWN_1 0x4000 // returns E 00016 ? #define CZR_LIGHT 0x2000 #define CZR_HUMIDITY 0x1000 #define CZR_FILTLED 0x0800 #define CZR_RAWLED 0x0400 #define CZR_MAXLED 0x0200 #define CZR_ZEROPOINT 0x0100 #define CZR_RAWTEMP 0x0080 #define CZR_FILTTEMP 0x0040 #define CZR_FILTLEDSIGNAL 0x0020 #define CZR_RAWLEDSIGNAL 0x0010 #define CZR_SENSTEMP 0x0008 #define CZR_FILTCO2 0x0004 #define CZR_RAWCO2 0x0002 #define CZR_NONE 0x0001 // factory default #define CZR_DEFAULT (CZR_FILTCO2 | CZR_RAWCO2) // easy default setting for streaming #define CZR_HTC (CZR_HUMIDITY | CZR_RAWTEMP | CZR_RAWCO2) // not in datasheet for debug only #define CZR_ALL 0x3FFE // OPERATING MODES #define CZR_COMMAND 0x00 #define CZR_STREAMING 0x01 #define CZR_POLLING 0x02 class COZIR { public: COZIR(Stream * str); void init(); // sets operatingMode to CZR_POLLING bool isInitialized(); // warning: CZR_STREAMING is experimental, minimal tested. bool setOperatingMode(uint8_t mode); uint8_t getOperatingMode() { return _operatingMode; }; // POLLING MODE float celsius(); float fahrenheit() { return (celsius() * 1.8) + 32; }; float kelvin() { return celsius() + 273.15; }; float humidity(); float light(); uint32_t CO2(); uint16_t getPPMFactor(); // P14 . command return 1, 10 or 100 // CALIBRATION // read datasheet before use uint16_t fineTuneZeroPoint(uint16_t v1, uint16_t v2); uint16_t calibrateFreshAir(); uint16_t calibrateNitrogen(); uint16_t calibrateKnownGas(uint16_t value); // WARNING: following 3 functions are NOT RECOMMENDED, // read datasheet before use // uint16_t calibrateManual(uint16_t value); // uint16_t setSpanCalibrate(uint16_t value); // uint16_t getSpanCalibrate(); // DIGIFILTER, use with care, read datasheet before use // 32 = good default value, // 1 = fast (noisy and responsive to fast changes) // 255 = slow (smoothed to the max) // 0 = special. details see datasheet void setDigiFilter(uint8_t value); uint8_t getDigiFilter(); // STREAMING MODE void setOutputFields(uint16_t fields); uint16_t getOutputFields() { return _outputFields; }; bool inOutputFields(uint16_t field); void clearOutputFields() { setOutputFields(CZR_NONE); }; // WARNING: // After a call to GetRecentFields() you must read the serial port yourself as // the internal buffer of this Class cannot handle the possible large output. // Answers can be over 100 bytes long! void getRecentFields(); // EEPROM // not all sensors support these. void setAutoCalibrationPreload(uint16_t value); uint16_t getAutoCalibrationPreload(); void setAutoCalibrationInterval(uint16_t value); uint16_t getAutoCalibrationInterval(); void setAutoCalibrationOn(); void setAutoCalibrationOff(); bool getAutoCalibration(); void setAutoCalibrationBackgroundConcentration(uint16_t value); uint16_t getAutoCalibrationBackgroundConcentration(); void setAmbientConcentration(uint16_t value); uint16_t getAmbientConcentration(); void setBufferClearTime(uint16_t value); uint16_t getBufferClearTime(); // TODO test EEPROM function first. // void setEEPROMFactoryReset(); // META INFORMATION // library does not parse the output (yet) void getVersionSerial(); void getConfiguration(); /////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SEMI PRIVATE FOR UNIT TESTING THEM // void _setEEPROM(uint8_t address, uint8_t value); uint8_t _getEEPROM(uint8_t address); void _setEEPROM2(uint8_t address, uint16_t value); uint16_t _getEEPROM2(uint8_t address); private: Stream * _ser; char _buffer[20]; uint32_t _initTimeStamp = 0; uint16_t _ppmFactor = 1; uint8_t _operatingMode = CZR_STREAMING; uint16_t _outputFields = CZR_NONE; void _command(const char* str); uint32_t _request(const char* str); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // C0ZIRParser // // used to parse the stream from a COZIR CO2 sensor. // Note: one can comment fields / code not used to minimize footprint. // class C0ZIRParser { public: C0ZIRParser(); // init resets all internal values void init(); // resetParser only resets current FIELD (last values are kept). void resetParser() { _field = 0; }; // returns field char if a field is completed, 0 otherwise. uint8_t nextChar(char c); // FETCH LAST READ VALUES float celsius(); float fahrenheit() { return (celsius() * 1.8) + 32; }; float kelvin() { return celsius() + 273.15; }; float humidity() { return 0.1 * _humidity; }; uint16_t light() { return _light; }; uint16_t ledFilt() { return _LED_FILT; }; uint16_t ledRaw() { return _LED_RAW; }; uint16_t ledMax() { return _LED_MAX; }; uint16_t ledSignalFilt() { return _LED_signal_FILT; }; uint16_t ledSignalRaw() { return _LED_signal_RAW; }; uint16_t zeroPoint() { return _zeroPoint; }; uint16_t tempFilt() { return _temperature_FILT; }; uint16_t tempRaw() { return _temperature_RAW; }; uint16_t tempSensor() { return _temperature_Sensor; }; uint16_t CO2() { return _CO2_FILT; }; uint16_t CO2Raw() { return _CO2_RAW; }; uint16_t samples() { return _samples; }; uint16_t getPPMFactor() { return _PPM; } private: // FIELD ID character uint16_t _light; // L uint16_t _humidity; // H uint16_t _LED_FILT; // D uint16_t _LED_RAW; // d uint16_t _LED_MAX; // l // el not one uint16_t _zeroPoint; // h uint16_t _temperature_RAW; // V uint16_t _temperature_FILT; // T uint16_t _LED_signal_FILT; // o // oo not zero uint16_t _LED_signal_RAW; // O // oo not zero uint16_t _temperature_Sensor; // v uint16_t _CO2_FILT; // Z uint16_t _CO2_RAW; // z // not output fields sec but useful. uint16_t _samples; // a uint16_t _PPM; // . // point // parsing helpers uint32_t _value; // to build up the numeric value uint8_t _field; // last read FIELD // returns FIELD char if a FIELD is completed, 0 otherwise. uint8_t store(); }; // -- END OF FILE --