// // FILE: Complex.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.1.09 // PURPOSE: library for Complex math for Arduino // URL: http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/ComplexMath // // Released to the public domain // // 0.1.09 - added (0,0) constructor // 0.1.08 - refactor // 0.1.07 - refactor interfaces #include "complex.h" // PRINTING size_t Complex::printTo(Print& p) const { size_t n = 0; n += p.print(re, 3); n += p.print(' '); n += p.print(im, 3); n += p.print('i'); return n; }; void Complex::polar(const double modulus, const double phase) { re = modulus * cos(phase); im = modulus * sin(phase); } Complex Complex::reciprocal() { double f = 1.0/(re*re + im*im); double r = re*f; double i = -im*f; return Complex(r,i); } // EQUALITIES bool Complex::operator == (const Complex &c) { return (re == c.re) && (im == c.im); } bool Complex::operator != (const Complex &c) { return (re != c.re) || (im != c.im); } // NEGATE Complex Complex::operator - () { return Complex(-re, -im); } // BASIC MATH Complex Complex::operator + (const Complex &c) { return Complex(re + c.re, im + c.im); } Complex Complex::operator - (const Complex &c) { return Complex(re - c.re, im - c.im); } Complex Complex::operator * (const Complex &c) { double r = re * c.re - im * c.im; double i = re * c.im + im * c.re; return Complex(r, i); } Complex Complex::operator / (const Complex &c) { double f = 1.0/(c.re*c.re + c.im*c.im); double r = (re * c.re + im * c.im) * f; double i = (im * c.re - re * c.im) * f; return Complex(r, i); } Complex& Complex::operator += (const Complex &c) { re += c.re; im += c.im; return *this; } Complex& Complex::operator -= (const Complex &c) { re -= c.re; im -= c.im; return *this; } Complex& Complex::operator *= (const Complex &c) { double r = re * c.re - im * c.im; double i = re * c.im + im * c.re; re = r; im = i; return *this; } Complex& Complex::operator /= (const Complex &c) { double f = 1.0/(c.re*c.re + c.im*c.im); double r = (re * c.re + im * c.im) * f; double i = (im * c.re - re * c.im) * f; re = r; im = i; return *this; } // // POWER FUNCTIONS // Complex Complex::c_sqr() { double r = re * re - im * im; double i = 2 * re * im; return Complex(r, i); } Complex Complex::c_sqrt() { double m = modulus(); double r = sqrt(0.5 * (m+re)); double i = sqrt(0.5 * (m-re)); if (im < 0) i = -i; return Complex(r, i); } Complex Complex::c_exp() { double e = exp(re); return Complex(e * cos(im), e * sin(im)); } Complex Complex::c_log() { double m = modulus(); double p = phase(); if (p > PI) p -= 2*PI; return Complex(log(m), p); } Complex Complex::c_pow(const Complex &c) { Complex t = c_log(); t = t * c; return t.c_exp(); } Complex Complex::c_logn(const Complex &c) { Complex t = c; return c_log()/t.c_log(); } Complex Complex::c_log10() { return c_logn(10); } // // GONIO I - SIN COS TAN // Complex Complex::c_sin() { double s = sin(re); double c = sqrt(1.0-s*s); return Complex(s * cosh(im), c * sinh(im)); } Complex Complex::c_cos() { double s = sin(re); double c = sqrt(1.0-s*s); return Complex(c * cosh(im), -s * sinh(im)); } Complex Complex::c_tan() { /* faster but 350 bytes longer!! double s = sin(re); double c = cos(re); double sh = sinh(im); double ch = cosh(im); // return Complex(s*ch, c*sh) / Complex(c*ch, -s*sh); double r0 = s*ch; double i0 = c*sh; double cre = c*ch; double cim = -s*sh; double f = 1.0/(cre*cre + cim*cim); double r = r0 * cre + i0 * cim; double i = r0 * cim - i0 * cre; return Complex(r * f, -i * f); */ return c_sin() / c_cos(); } Complex Complex::gonioHelper1(const byte mode) { Complex c = (one - this->c_sqr()).c_sqrt(); if (mode == 0) { c = c + *this * Complex(0,-1); } else { c = *this + c * Complex(0,-1); } c = c.c_log() * Complex(0,1); return c; } Complex Complex::c_asin() { return gonioHelper1(0); } Complex Complex::c_acos() { return gonioHelper1(1); } Complex Complex::c_atan() { return (Complex(0,-1) * (Complex(re, im - 1)/Complex(-re, -im - 1)).c_log()) * 0.5; } // // GONIO II - CSC SEC COT // Complex Complex::c_csc() { return one / c_sin(); } Complex Complex::c_sec() { return one / c_cos(); } Complex Complex::c_cot() { return one / c_tan(); } Complex Complex::c_acsc() { return (one / *this).c_asin(); } Complex Complex::c_asec() { return (one / *this).c_acos(); } Complex Complex::c_acot() { return (one / *this).c_atan(); } // // GONIO HYPERBOLICUS I // Complex Complex::c_sinh() { double s = sin(im); double c = sqrt(1.0 - s*s); return Complex(sinh(re) * c, cosh(re)* s); } Complex Complex::c_cosh() { double s = sin(im); double c = sqrt(1.0-s*s); return Complex(cosh(re) * c, sinh(re)* s); } Complex Complex::c_tanh() { return c_sinh() / c_cosh(); } Complex Complex::gonioHelper2(const byte mode) { Complex c = c_sqr(); if (mode == 0) { c += 1; } else { c -= 1; } c = (*this + c.c_sqrt()).c_log(); return c; } Complex Complex::c_asinh() { return gonioHelper2(0); } Complex Complex::c_acosh() { return gonioHelper2(1); } Complex Complex::c_atanh() { Complex c = (*this + one).c_log(); c = c - (-(*this - one)).c_log(); return c * 0.5; } // // GONIO HYPERBOLICUS II // Complex Complex::c_csch() { return one / c_sinh(); } Complex Complex::c_sech() { return one / c_cosh(); } Complex Complex::c_coth() { return one / c_tanh(); } Complex Complex::c_acsch() { return (one / *this).c_asinh(); } Complex Complex::c_asech() { return (one / *this).c_acosh(); } Complex Complex::c_acoth() { return (one / *this).c_atanh(); } // --- END OF FILE ---