#pragma once // // FILE: DS1821.h // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.3.2 // DATE: 2014-10-05 // PURPOSE: Arduino library for DS1821 temperature sensor // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/DS1821 // // BOTTOM VIEW // // PIN MEANING // /---+ // / o | 1 GND // | o | 2 DATA // \ o | 3 VCC // \---+ #include "Arduino.h" #include "OneWire.h" #define DS1821_H_LIB_VERSION (F("0.3.2")) #define DS1821_RESET_OK 0 #define DS1821_RESET_ERROR -999 class DS1821 { public: DS1821(OneWire* ow); // THERMOMETER MODE int requestTemperature(); int requestContinuous(); int stopContinuous(); int conversionReady(); float readTemperature(); int error() { int e = _err; _err = 0; return e; }; // High and low temperature 'alarm' flags. int setLow(int8_t lo); int getLow(); int setHigh(int8_t hi); int getHigh(); // flags in config register => 1 = triggered since clear int getHighFlag(); int clrHighFlag(); int getLowFlag(); int clrLowFlag(); // THERMOSTAT CONFIG // - be sure to read datasheet first! // - check the example // - DQ pin must be same the oneWire pin! int setOneWireMode(uint8_t VDD, uint8_t DQ); int setPolarity(int activstate); // HIGH or LOW int getPolarity(); int setThermostatMode(); private: OneWire * _ow; int _err; int _reset() { _err = _ow->reset(); return _err; }; void _command(uint8_t cmd) { _ow->write(cmd); }; uint8_t _readByte() { return _ow->read(); }; uint8_t _waitForNVB(); int _getConfigFlag(uint8_t flag); int _setConfigFlag(uint8_t flag); int _clrConfigFlag(uint8_t flag); int _readConfig(); int _writeConfig(uint8_t val); uint8_t _VDD; uint8_t _DQ; }; // -- END OF FILE --