// // FILE: AM2320_ESP32.ino // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // PURPOSE: AM2320 demo sketch for AM2320 I2C humidity & temperature sensor // with second I2C port of ESP32 // // AM232X PIN layout AM2315 COLOR // ============================================ // bottom view DESCRIPTION COLOR // +---+ // |o | VDD RED // |o | SDA YELLOW // |o | GND BLACK // |o | SCL GREY // +---+ // // do not forget pull up resistors between SDA, SCL and VDD.. #include "AM232X.h" #define pd_scl_dht 14 #define pd_sda_dht 27 TwoWire I2CIMU = TwoWire(0); // I2C1 bus TwoWire I2CDHT = TwoWire(1); // I2C2 bus AM232X AM2320(&I2CDHT); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(__FILE__); Serial.print("LIBRARY VERSION: "); Serial.println(AM232X_LIB_VERSION); Serial.println(); I2CDHT.begin(pd_sda_dht, pd_scl_dht, 100000ul); if (! AM2320.begin() ) { Serial.println("Sensor not found"); while (1); } AM2320.wakeUp(); delay(2000); Serial.println("Type,\tStatus,\tHumidity (%),\tTemperature (C)"); } void loop() { // READ DATA Serial.print("AM2320, \t"); int status = AM2320.read(); switch (status) { case AM232X_OK: Serial.print("OK,\t"); break; default: Serial.print(status); Serial.print("\t"); break; } // DISPLAY DATA, sensor only returns one decimal. Serial.print(AM2320.getHumidity(), 1); Serial.print(",\t"); Serial.println(AM2320.getTemperature(), 1); delay(2000); } // -- END OF FILE --