#pragma once // // FILE: LTC2991.h // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.1.5 // DATE: 2021-05-10 // PURPOSE: Library for LTC2991 temperature and voltage control IC // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/LTC2991 #include "Arduino.h" #include "Wire.h" #define LTC2991_LIB_VERSION (F("0.1.5")) class LTC2991 { public: explicit LTC2991(const int8_t address, TwoWire *wire = &Wire); #if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) bool begin(const uint8_t sda, const uint8_t scl); #endif bool begin(); bool isConnected(); uint8_t getAddress(); // // CORE functions // // channel = 1..8 bool new_data(uint8_t channel); // external bool new_temperature(); // internal bool new_voltage(); // VCC bool is_busy(); // // EXTERNAL CHANNELS (8 voltage, 4 differentials or 4 temperature) // // n = 1 ==> V1 V2 T1 // n = 2 ==> V3 V4 T2 // n = 3 ==> V5 V6 T3 // n = 4 ==> V7 V8 T4 // void trigger_conversion(uint8_t n); // wrapper around enable() void trigger_conversion_all(); void enable(uint8_t n, bool enable); bool is_enabled(uint8_t n); // n: 1..4 see above void enable_filter(uint8_t n, bool enable); bool is_enabled_filter(uint8_t n); void set_Kelvin(uint8_t n); // implicit set_mode_temperature void set_Celsius(uint8_t n); // implicit set_mode_temperature void set_temp_scale(uint8_t n, bool Kelvin = true); char get_temp_scale(uint8_t n); // returns 'C' or 'K' void set_mode_temperature(uint8_t n); void set_mode_voltage_differential(uint8_t n); void set_mode_voltage_normal(uint8_t n); uint8_t get_operational_mode(uint8_t n); // enumeration? uint8_t get_differential_mode(uint8_t n); float get_value(uint8_t channel); // chan = 1..8 // // PWM functions // // value = 0..511 void set_PWM(uint16_t value = 0); void set_PWM_fast(uint16_t value = 0); // less resolution uint16_t get_PWM(); void invert_PWM(bool invert = false); bool is_inverted_PWM(); void enable_PWM(bool enable); bool is_enabled_PWM(); // // CONFIGURATION // void set_acquisition_repeat(); void set_acquisition_single(); uint8_t get_acquisition_mode(); // // INTERNAL SENSORS // void enable_Tintern_Vcc(bool enable); bool is_enabled_Tintern_Vcc(); void enable_filter_Tintern(bool enable); bool is_enabled_filter_Tintern(); void set_Kelvin_Tintern(); void set_Celsius_Tintern(); void set_temp_scale_Tintern(bool Kelvin = true); char get_temp_scale_Tintern(); // returns 'C' or 'K' float get_Tintern(); float get_VCC(); private: uint8_t _writeRegister(const uint8_t reg, const uint8_t value); uint8_t _readRegister(const uint8_t reg); uint16_t _readRegister16(const uint8_t reg); void _setRegisterMask(const uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask); void _clrRegisterMask(const uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask); uint8_t _getRegisterMask(const uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask); uint8_t _address; TwoWire * _wire; }; // -- END OF FILE --