// // FILE: TM1637_displayTime2.ino // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // PURPOSE: demo TM1637 library // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/TM1637 #include "TM1637.h" TM1637 TM; uint32_t start, stop; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(__FILE__); TM.begin(7, 6, 4); // clockpin, datapin, #digits // AVR UNO // BITDELAY displayTime() // 0 1352 // 2 1364 // 4 1384 // 8 1452 // 10 1476 (default, datasheet) TM.setBitDelay(10); } // timer with 1/100th of second void loop() { uint32_t now = (millis() / 10) % 10000; uint8_t hh = now / 100; uint8_t mm = now - hh * 100; bool colon = hh & 1; start = micros(); TM.displayTime(hh, mm, colon); // takes ~1500 usec (UNO). stop = micros(); Serial.println(stop - start); delay(1); } // -- END OF FILE --