// // FILE: ellipse_angle.ino // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // PURPOSE: demo // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/ellipse // // use the plotter tool to see the angle() curve. // #include "ellipse.h" ellipse el(1, 1); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(__FILE__); Serial.println(); for (int a = 1; a <= 500; a++) { el.setA(1 + a * 0.002); Serial.print(el.getB(), 2); Serial.print('\t'); Serial.print(el.getA(), 4); Serial.print('\t'); Serial.print(el.angle(), 4); Serial.print('\n'); } Serial.println("\nDone..."); } void loop() { } // -- END OF FILE --