// FILE: led13.ino // AUTHOR: Rob dot Tillaart at gmail dot com // VERSION: 0.1.0 // PURPOSE: demo pinGroup library for Arduino // blink the build in led by means of a PinOutGroup #include "PinOutGroup.h" PinOutGroup led13; uint8_t ar[1] = { 13 } ; uint32_t start , stop; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(__FILE__); Serial.print(F("PINOUTGROUP_LIB_VERSION: ")); Serial.println(PINOUTGROUP_LIB_VERSION); led13.add(1, ar ); } void loop() { Serial.println(); start = micros(); led13.write(0, HIGH); // could be led13.write(1); as there is just one in the group. stop = micros(); Serial.println(stop - start); delay(250); led13.write(0, LOW); // could be led13.write(0); as there is just one in the group. delay(250); } // -- END OF FILE --