/** * @file * @Author Septillion (https://github.com/sseptillion) * @date 2016-05-20 * @brief Example how to use buttonRead8() * * buttonRead8() works the same as buttonRead() but works on all * pins simultaneous. You can give a mask as parameter to decide which * pins are affected (aka, made high for a short periode) during * a buttonRead8(). * * The mask can also be set with setButtonMask(mask). Calling buttonRead8() * after that will be the same as calling buttonRead8(mask). * * ButtonRead8() can also be used for pins that are input only. * * In this example pin 0 of the PCF8574 (address 0x20) is used to blink a * LED but at the same time it can be used to toggle the onboard LED of * the Arduino. * * Pin 1 is also toggle but isn't affected by the buttonRead8(); * * NOTE: The button will affect the LED on the same pin. The led will light up * no matter the set output state when you press the button. */ #include #include PCF8574 pcf20(0x20); const byte onboardLed = 13; const byte PcfButtonLedPin = 0; const byte PcfLedPin = 1; unsigned int blinkMillis; unsigned int buttonMillis; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pcf20.begin(); pinMode(onboardLed, OUTPUT); //As alternative to adding the mask to buttonRead8() every time //you can set it once. //Without setting a mask buttonRead8() will effect ALL pins. //Not a problem when using things like LEDs. //pcf20.setButtonMask(_BV(PcfButtonLedPin)); } void loop() { static bool state; unsigned int currentMillis = millis(); //Limit button read to 20 times a second //Fast enough for most buttons //but this way you don't have a dimmer output because it's blanked during button read //a read takes 460us t 16Mhz Arduino and normal I2C speed. if(currentMillis - buttonMillis >= 50){ buttonMillis = currentMillis; //read all states but only force PcfButtonLedPin HIGH during the //buttonRead8() //Alternativly the mask could have been set with setButtonMask(). //Then the mask can be omitted here. See setup() byte inputStates = pcf20.readButton8(_BV(PcfButtonLedPin)); //check the bit of PcfButtonLedPin if(state != bitRead(inputStates, PcfButtonLedPin)){ if(state){ //toggle the LED digitalWrite(onboardLed, !digitalRead(onboardLed)); } state = !state; } } //Lets blink the same output if(currentMillis - blinkMillis >= 500){ //Update time blinkMillis = currentMillis; pcf20.toggle(PcfButtonLedPin); pcf20.toggle(PcfLedPin); Serial.println(pcf20.read8(), BIN); } }