// // FILE: BoolArray.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.2.7 // PURPOSE: BoolArray library for Arduino // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/BoolArray // http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=361167 #include "BoolArray.h" BoolArray::BoolArray() { _array = NULL; _size = 0; } BoolArray::~BoolArray() { if (_array) free(_array); } uint8_t BoolArray::begin(const uint16_t size) { if (size > BOOLARRAY_MAXSIZE) return BOOLARRAY_SIZE_ERROR; // if (_size == size) no need to reallocate... _size = size; _bytes = (_size + 7) / 8; if (_array) { free(_array); } _array = (uint8_t *) malloc(_bytes); return BOOLARRAY_OK; } uint16_t BoolArray::size() { return _size; } uint8_t BoolArray::memory() { return _bytes; } uint8_t BoolArray::setAll(const uint8_t value) { if (_array == NULL) return BOOLARRAY_INIT_ERROR; uint8_t *p = _array; uint8_t t = _bytes; if (value == 0) { while(t--) *p++ = 0; } else { while(t--) *p++ = 0xFF; } return BOOLARRAY_OK; } uint8_t BoolArray::clear() { return setAll(0); } uint8_t BoolArray::get(const uint16_t index) { if (_array == NULL) return BOOLARRAY_INIT_ERROR; if (index >= _size) return BOOLARRAY_SIZE_ERROR; uint8_t by = index / 8; uint8_t bi = index & 7; return (_array[by] & _masks[bi]) > 0; } uint8_t BoolArray::set(const uint16_t index, const uint8_t value) { if (_array == NULL) return BOOLARRAY_INIT_ERROR; if (index >= _size) return BOOLARRAY_SIZE_ERROR; uint8_t by = index / 8; uint8_t bi = index & 7; if (value == 0) _array[by] &= ~_masks[bi]; else _array[by] |= _masks[bi]; return BOOLARRAY_OK; } uint8_t BoolArray::toggle(const uint16_t index) { if (_array == NULL) return BOOLARRAY_INIT_ERROR; if (index >= _size) return BOOLARRAY_SIZE_ERROR; uint8_t by = index / 8; uint8_t bi = index & 7; _array[by] ^= _masks[bi]; return BOOLARRAY_OK; } // -- END OF FILE --