#pragma once // // FILE: DS18B20_INT.h // AUTHOR: Rob.Tillaart@gmail.com // VERSION: 0.1.4 // DATE: 2017-07-25 // PUPROSE: Minimalistic library for DS18B20 temperature sensor // uses only integer math (no float to minimize footprint) // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/DS18B20_INT // // BOTTOM VIEW // // PIN MEANING // /---+ // / o | 1 GND // | o | 2 DATA // \ o | 3 VCC // \---+ // #include "Arduino.h" #include "OneWire.h" // Error Code #define DEVICE_DISCONNECTED -127 typedef uint8_t DeviceAddress[8]; class DS18B20_INT { public: explicit DS18B20_INT(OneWire *); bool begin(void); void requestTemperatures(void); bool isConversionComplete(void); int16_t getTempC(void); private: uint8_t _deviceAddress[8]; OneWire* _wire; bool _addresFound; }; // -- END OF FILE --