// // FILE: MS5611_test.ino // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // PURPOSE: demo application // DATE: 2014-okt-16 // URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/MS5611 #include "MS5611.h" MS5611 MS5611(0x77); // 0x76 = CSB to VCC; 0x77 = CSB to GND void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print(__FILE__); Serial.print("MS5611_LIB_VERSION: "); Serial.println(MS5611_LIB_VERSION); if (MS5611.begin() == true) { Serial.println("MS5611 found."); } else { Serial.println("MS5611 not found. halt."); while(1); } /* There are 5 oversampling settings, each corresponding to a different amount of milliseconds The higher the oversampling, the more accurate the reading will be, however the longer it will take. OSR_ULTRA_HIGH -> 10 millis OSR_HIGH -> 5 millis OSR_STANDARD -> 3 millis OSR_LOW -> 2 millis OSR_ULTRA_LOW -> 1 millis Default = backwards compatible */ MS5611.setOversampling(OSR_ULTRA_HIGH); } void loop() { int result = MS5611.read(); if (result != MS5611_READ_OK) { Serial.print("Error in read: "); Serial.println(result); } else { Serial.print("\nT:\t"); Serial.print(MS5611.getTemperature(), 2); Serial.print("\tP:\t"); Serial.print(MS5611.getPressure(), 2); } delay(1000); } // -- END OF FILE --