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This IC is strongly related to the MCP23017 I2C port expander - https://github.com/RobTillaart/MCP23017_RT Programming Interface is kept the same as much as possible. ## Interface ### Constructor - **MCP23S17(uint8_t select, uint8_t dataIn, uint8_t dataOut, uint8_t clock, uint8_t address = 0x00)** constructor SW SPI. - **MCP23S17(uint8_t select, SPIClass\* spi)** constructor HW SPI with explicit SPI interface selected. - **MCP23S17(uint8_t select, uint8_t address = 0x00, SPIClass\* spi = &SPI)** constructor HW SPI with optional address pins and SPI interface. - **bool begin()** returns true if successful. - **bool isConnected()** returns true if connected, false otherwise. (dummy for compatibility reasons) - **uint8_t getAddress()** returns the address set in the constructor. Default = 0, range = 0..7. The two constructors allow to call 4 different constructors. ```cpp - MCP23S17(10); // select pin only - MCP23S17(10, 7); // select pin + address pins - MCP23S17(10, 7, &SPI2); // select pin + address pins + SPI port - MCP23S17(10, &SPI2); // select pin + SPI port ``` #### sharing select lines (not tested) Technically two chips could use the same select pin and a different address. The constructors would allow to setup such a configuration. I assume that this is less used and IMHO not recommended. ### Single pin interface - **bool pinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode)** pin = 0..15, mode = INPUT, OUTPUT. Returns true if successful. - **bool digitalWrite(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value)** pin = 0..15, value = LOW(0) HIGH (!0). Returns true if successful. - **uint8_t digitalRead(uint8_t pin)** pin = 0..15, returns LOW or HIGH, might set the lastError(); - **bool setPolarity(uint8_t pin, bool reversed)** pin = 0..15, set reversed flag. Returns true if successful. - **bool getPolarity(uint8_t pin, bool &reversed)** pin = 0..15, reads reversed flag. Returns true if successful. - **bool setPullup(uint8_t pin, bool pullup)** pin = 0..15, set pull-up flag. Returns true if successful. - **bool getPullup(uint8_t pin, bool &pullup)** pin = 0..15, reads pull-up flag. Returns true if successful. ### 8 pins interface - **bool pinMode8(uint8_t port, uint8_t value)** port = 0..1, value = 0..255. Returns true if successful. - **bool write8(uint8_t port, uint8_t value)** port = 0..1, value = 0..255. Returns true if successful. - **uint8_t read8(uint8_t port)** port = 0..1, reads 8 pins into one byte. - **bool setPolarity8(uint8_t port, uint8_t mask)** port = 0..1, sets polarity for 8 channels at once. Returns true if successful. - **bool getPolarity8(uint8_t port, uint8_t &mask)** port = 0..1, reads polarity of 8 channels at once. Returns true if successful. - **bool setPullup8(uint8_t port, uint8_t mask)** port = 0..1, sets pull-up for 8 channels at once. Returns true if successful. - **bool getPullup8(uint8_t port, uint8_t &mask)** port = 0..1, reads pull-up for 8 channels at once. Returns true if successful. ### 16 pins interface - **bool pinMode16(uint16_t value)** value = 0..0xFFFF, returns true if successful. Returns true if successful. - **bool write16(uint16_t value)** value = 0..0xFFFF, returns true if successful. Returns true if successful. - **uint16_t read16()** reads 16 pins into an uint16_t. - **bool setPolarity16(uint16_t mask)** sets polarity for 16 channels. Returns true if successful. - **bool getPolarity16(uint16_t &mask)** reads polarity of 16 channels. Returns true if successful. - **bool setPullup16(uint16_t mask)** sets pull-up for 16 channels. Returns true if successful. - **bool getPullup16(uint16_t &mask)** reads pull-up for 16 channels. Returns true if successful. ### IO Control Register Since 0.2.3 the library supports setting bit fields in the IO control register. Read the datasheet carefully! - **void enableControlRegister(uint8_t mask)** - **void disableControlRegister(uint8_t mask)** | constant | mask | description | |:-----------------------|:------:|:--------------| | MCP23S17_IOCR_BANK | 0x80 | Controls how the registers are addressed. | MCP23S17_IOCR_MIRROR | 0x40 | INT Pins Mirror bit. | MCP23S17_IOCR_SEQOP | 0x20 | Sequential Operation mode bit. | MCP23S17_IOCR_DISSLW | 0x10 | Slew Rate control bit for SDA output. | MCP23S17_IOCR_HAEN | 0x08 | Hardware Address Enable bit (MCP23S17 only). | MCP23S17_IOCR_ODR | 0x04 | Configures the INT pin as an open-drain output. | MCP23S17_IOCR_INTPOL | 0x02 | This bit sets the polarity of the INT output pin. | MCP23S17_IOCR_NI | 0x01 | Not implemented. ### Error codes If one of the above functions return false, there might be an error. - **int lastError()** Above functions set an error flag that can be read with this function. Reading it will reset the flag to **MCP23S17_OK**. | NAME | VALUE | DESCRIPTION | |:------------------------|:------:|:------------| | MCP23S17_OK | 0x00 | No error | | MCP23S17_PIN_ERROR | 0x81 | | MCP23S17_I2C_ERROR | 0x82 | (compatibility) | MCP23S17_VALUE_ERROR | 0x83 | | MCP23S17_PORT_ERROR | 0x84 | | MCP23S17_REGISTER_ERROR | 0xFF | low level. ## Operation See examples. ## Future #### must - improve documentation - references to I2C version? #### should - keep functional in sync with MCP23017_RT #### could - check need for writing in all functions (Polarity / pullup) - check if bit mask changes. - what is performance gain vs footprint? - implement ESP32 specific support in begin() - see MCP_ADC.begin() - SW_SPI is roughly equal in performance as HW SPI on ESP32. - investigate and reimplement the INPUT_PULLUP for pinMode() ? #### wont - check address range in constructor.