// // FILE: max31855_demo2.ino // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.1.01 // PURPOSE: thermocouple lib demo application // DATE: 2014-01-02 // URL: // // Released to the public domain // #include "MAX31855.h" const int doPin = 7; const int csPin = 6; const int clPin = 5; MAX31855 tc(clPin, csPin, doPin); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print("Start max31855_demo: "); Serial.println(MAX31855_VERSION); Serial.println(); tc.begin(); uint32_t start = micros(); tc.read(); uint32_t stop = micros(); Serial.print("read:\t"); Serial.println(stop - start); start = micros(); float t1 = tc.getTemperature(); stop = micros(); Serial.print("getTemperature:\t"); Serial.println(stop - start); start = micros(); tc.getInternal(); stop = micros(); Serial.print("getInternal:\t"); Serial.println(stop - start); Serial.println(t1,2); } void loop() { }