// // FILE: PERIPUMP.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.1.2 // DATE: 2022-10-13 // PURPOSE: Arduino library for peristaltic pump #include "PERIPUMP.h" // CONSTRUCTOR PERIPUMP::PERIPUMP(uint8_t pumpPin) { _pin = pumpPin; _percentage = 0; _sumTime = 0; } void PERIPUMP::begin(float percentage) { _myServo.attach(_pin); resetRunTime(); setPercentage(percentage); } void PERIPUMP::stop() { setPercentage(0); } void PERIPUMP::forward() { setPercentage(100); } void PERIPUMP::backward() { setPercentage(-100); } // the worker. void PERIPUMP::setPercentage(float percentage) { // weighted runtime ? // _sumTime += (millis() - _start) * abs(_percentage); _percentage = constrain(percentage, -100.0, 100.0); uint32_t now = millis(); uint16_t ms = 0; if (_percentage == 0) { if (_start != 0) _sumTime += (now - _start); // middle position is stop ms = 0; _start = 0; } else if (_percentage > 0) { ms = 500 + 5 * _percentage; if (_start == 0) _start = now; } else if (_percentage < 0) { ms = -500 + 5 * _percentage; if (_start == 0) _start = now; } if (_invert) _myServo.writeMicroseconds(1500 - ms); else _myServo.writeMicroseconds(1500 + ms); } float PERIPUMP::getPercentage() { return _percentage; } void PERIPUMP::setInvert(bool flag) { _invert = flag; } bool PERIPUMP::getInvert() { return _invert; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DURATION // float PERIPUMP::getRunTime() { float seconds = _sumTime; if (_start != 0) seconds += (millis() - _start); return seconds * 0.001; } float PERIPUMP::resetRunTime() { float s = getRunTime(); _sumTime = 0; _start = 0; return s; } // -- END OF FILE --