// // FILE: I2C_SCANNER.cpp // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart // VERSION: 0.1.2 // DATE: 2022-08-29 // PURPOSE: I2C scanner class // #include "I2C_SCANNER.h" I2C_SCANNER::I2C_SCANNER(TwoWire *wire) { _wire = wire; } // // CONFIGURATION // bool I2C_SCANNER::begin() { _init(); _wire->begin(); return true; } #if defined (ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) bool I2C_SCANNER::begin(int dataPin, int clockPin) { _init(); _wire = &Wire; if ((dataPin < 255) && (clockPin < 255)) { _wire->begin(dataPin, clockPin); } else { _wire->begin(); } return true; } #endif // // I2C PORT // uint8_t I2C_SCANNER::getWirePortCount() { return _wirePortCount; } bool I2C_SCANNER::setWire(TwoWire *wire) { _wire = wire; return true; } // 0 == Wire, 1 = Wire1 etc. bool I2C_SCANNER::setWire(uint8_t n) { if (n == 0) { _wire = &Wire; return true; }; #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE1 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 1 if (n == 1) { _wire = &Wire1; return true; }; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE2 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 2 if (n == 2) { _wire = &Wire2; return true; }; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE3 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 3 if (n == 3) { _wire = &Wire3; return true; }; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE4 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 4 if (n == 4) { _wire = &Wire4; return true; }; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE5 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 5 if (n == 5) { _wire = &Wire5; return true; }; #endif return false; } TwoWire* I2C_SCANNER::getWire() { return _wire; } // // RESET // int I2C_SCANNER::softwareReset(uint8_t method) { // only support 0 and 1 if (method > 1) return -999; if (method == 1) { // from https://github.com/RobTillaart/PCA9634/issues/10#issuecomment-1206326417 const uint8_t SW_RESET = 0x03; _wire->beginTransmission(SW_RESET); _wire->write(0xA5); _wire->write(0x5A); return _wire->endTransmission(true); } // default // based upon NXP specification - UM10204.pdf - page 16 _wire->beginTransmission(0x00); _wire->write(0x06); return _wire->endTransmission(true); } // // TIMING // bool I2C_SCANNER::setClock(uint32_t clockFrequency) { _wire->setClock(clockFrequency); return true; } #if defined(ESP32) uint32_t I2C_SCANNER::getClock() { return _wire->getClock(); } #endif // // SCANNING // bool I2C_SCANNER::ping(uint8_t address) { return diag(address) == 0; } int I2C_SCANNER::diag(uint8_t address) { _wire->beginTransmission(address); return _wire->endTransmission(); } int32_t I2C_SCANNER::pingTime(uint8_t address) { uint32_t start = micros(); int x = diag(address); int32_t duration = (int32_t)(micros() - start); if (x == 0) return duration; return -duration; } uint8_t I2C_SCANNER::count(uint8_t start, uint8_t end) { uint8_t cnt = 0; for (uint8_t addr = start; addr <= end; addr++) { if (diag(addr) == 0) cnt++; } return cnt; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PRIVATE // int I2C_SCANNER::_init() { Wire.begin(); _wirePortCount = 1; #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE1 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 1 Wire1.begin(); _wirePortCount++; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE2 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 2 Wire2.begin(); _wirePortCount++; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE3 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 3 Wire3.begin(); _wirePortCount++; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE4 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 4 Wire4.begin(); _wirePortCount++; #endif #if defined WIRE_IMPLEMENT_WIRE5 || WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT > 5 Wire5.begin(); _wirePortCount++; #endif return _wirePortCount; } // -- END OF FILE --