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2022-07-18 15:54:11 +02:00
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# SparseArray
Arduino library for sparse arrays of floats.
## Description
SparseArray is an **experimental** library to implement a one
dimensional sparse array of floats (a.k.a. vector) on an Arduino.
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A sparse array is an array with mostly zeros and a low percentage
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non-zero values.
The purpose of this library is efficient storage in memory.
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The maximum array size this library can represent is 65535 elements
with a theoretical maximum of 65535 non-zero elements.
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(although that does not make sense due to overhead)
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In practice the library limits the number of non-zero elements to 1000.
Note: 255 non-zero elements would fit in an UNO's 2K memory.
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Relates to:
- https://github.com/RobTillaart/SparseMatrix
- https://github.com/RobTillaart/distanceTable
Note: this library is derived from SparseMatrix.
#### Implementation
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The implementation is based on 2 arrays holding ```x, value```
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where value is float, and x is an uint16_t.
That are 6 bytes per element.
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The number of elements that the sparse array object can hold is
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given as parameter to the constructor.
If the space cannot be allocated the size is set to zero.
In the future other data types should be possible.
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Relates to https://github.com/RobTillaart/SET
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#### Performance
The elements are not kept sorted or indexed so optimizations might be
possible but are not investigated yet.
There is however a test sketch to monitor the performance of
the most important functions.
Accessing elements internally is done with a linear search,
which becomes (much) slower if the number of elements is increasing.
This means that although in theory there can be 65535 elements,
in practice a few 100 can already become annoyingly slow.
To keep performance a bit the library has a limit build in.
Check the .h file for **SPARSEARRAY_MAX_SIZE 1000**
## Interface
#include "SparseArray.h"
### Constructor + meta
- **SparseArray(uint16_t size)** constructor.
Parameter is the maximum number of elements in the sparse array.
Note this number is limited to **SPARSEARRAY_MAX_SIZE 1000**.
If the space requested cannot be allocated size will be set to 0.
- **uint16_t size()** maximum number of elements.
If this is zero, a problem occurred with allocation happened.
- **uint16_t count()** current number of elements in the array.
Should be between 0 and size.
- **float sum()** sum of all elements ( != 0 ) in the array.
- **void clear()** resets the array to all zero's again.
### Access
- **bool set(uint16_t x, float value)** gives an element in the array a value.
If the value is set to zero, it is removed from the internal store.
Returns false if the internal store is full, true otherwise.
- **float get(uint16_t x)** returns a value from the array.
- **bool add(uint16_t x, float value)** adds value to an element in the array.
If needed a new internal element is created.
If the sum is zero, the element is removed from the internal store.
Returns false if the internal store is full, true otherwise.
- **void boundingSegment(uint16_t &minX, uint16_t &maxX)**
Returns the bounding box in which all values != 0 are located.
This can be useful for printing or processing the non zero elements.
## Future
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#### must
- improve documentation
#### should
- do test
- investigate optimizations
- derived sorted class ==> insertSort
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- keep in sync with SparseMatrix where possible
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- merge into one class hierarchy?
- Template class for the data type
- better than SparseArray64 SparseArray32 SparseArray16 SparseArray8 (signed / unsigned?)
#### could
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- dump should be in the class?
- or as static function...
- stream as param dump(Stream str, ...
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#### ideas
- array { uint32_t, float }; for logging millis/micros + measurement
delta coding of time stamp? if it fit in 16 bit?
=> sounds like a class on its own.
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- investigate index \[\] operator for **get()** and **set()**
- would break with sparse matrix
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