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# TSL260R
Arduino library for the TSL260R IR to voltage convertor
## Description
The TSL260R (TSL261R, TSL262R) is a IR sensor that outputs a voltage depending on the irradiation.
This library does convert the output voltage to uW/cm2.
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As the type sensor differ by sensitivity the library has three distinct classes.
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The table below is an approximation for the max irradiation at 3.3 Volt (output).
For an Arduino UNO 3.3 V is about 650 ADC steps.
When using e.g. an external 16 bit ADS1115, one definitely has far more steps.
| Type | max uW/cm2 |
| TSL260R | 30 |
| TSL261R | 70 |
| TSL262R | 125 |
**Warning** this library is experimental so you should use it with care.
It is written on the datasheet, and I have no hardware yet to test it.
Of course I am very interested in your experiences and feedback to improve
the library.
## Hardware Connection
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#### Power supply
The maximum output voltage depends on the power supply voltage.
This implies that the output range (uW/cm2) depends on power supply voltage.
To maximize the measurement range a voltage of at leat 4.5 V is advised.
See datasheet figure 14: Maximum Output Voltage vs Supply Voltage
#### Schema
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Always check datasheet
// Front view
// PIN 1 - GND
// PIN 2 - VDD 2.7 V .. 5.5 V
// PIN 3 - SIGNAL voltage out
## Interface
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#### Internal ADC
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- **TSL260R(uint8_t pin, uint16_t maxADC, float voltage)** Constructor when using an
internal ADC and just one sample to measure the output voltage of the sensor.
- pin = analogRead() pin
- maxADC = max value of the internal ADC, UNO = 1023.
- voltage = max voltage of the internal ADC.
- **TSL261R(uint8_t pin, uint16_t maxADC, float voltage)** idem for TSL261R.
- **TSL262R(uint8_t pin, uint16_t maxADC, float voltage)** idem for TSL262R.
- **float irradiance()** returns the irradiance in uW/cm2.
Uses the analogRead() of the internal ADC.
**Fails** by returning 0 when object is created with the other constructor.
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#### External ADC
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- **TSL260R()** constructor when using an external ADC or more than one internal samples
to measure the voltage.
When using this constructor one cannot use the parameterless **irradiance()**, see above.
- **TSL261R()** idem for TSL261R.
- **TSL262R()** idem for TSL262R.
- **float irradiance(float voltage)** returns the irradiance in uW/cm2 based upon voltage
parameter. Does not use an internal analogRead().
Note the user can average 8 internal ADC measurements to reduce noise and then use
this function based upon the average voltage.
#### WaveLength
- **void setWaveLength(uint16_t waveLength = 940)** sets the wave length so the conversion
can use a correction factor.
At 900 - 940 nm the wave length correction factor == 1.0.
Wave length should be between 830 and 1100.
- **uint16_t getWaveLength()** returns the configured wave length.
- **float getWaveLengthFactor()** returns the wave length correction factor.
Note the sensor is most sensitive around 940 nm. See datasheet.
- **calculateWaveLengthFactor(uint16_t waveLength)** calculates the factor to compensate
for less sensitivity at other wave lengths.
E.g. if the sensor is 0.5 x as sensitive at a given wave length the factor should be 2.
#### Calibration
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Since version 0.1.2 the following functions are added to calibrate the irradiance formula
to some extend. The formula is ```irradiance = AA * voltage + BB```.
See datasheet figure 12: Output Voltage vs Irradiance
Use with care.
- **void setAA(float aa)** set a new value for AA.
- **float getAA()** return the current value.
- **void setBB(float bb)** set a new value for BB.
- **float getBB()** return the current value.
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## Operations
See examples.
## Future
#### must
- improve documentation
- buy hardware (where)
- test test test test
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#### should
- extend unit tests
- write examples
- fix the dependency of **irradiance()**
- derived class?
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- optimize code
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#### could
- test with different IR LEDS (e.g. remote)
- Normalized Output Voltage vs Angular Displacement correction
- figure 11
- temperature correction