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2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00
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2021-12-18 15:02:32 +01:00
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Arduino library for I2C FRAM
## Description
FRAM is a library to read and write (over I2C) to an FRAM module.
FRAM is much faster than EEPROM and almost as fast as Arduino UNO RAM.
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Another important feature is that FRAM keeps its content after a reboot (non-volatile)
FRAM stands for Ferroelectric RAM - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferroelectric_RAM
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Types of FRAM the library should work with
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2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00
| 8KB | MB85RC64T |
| 32KB | MB85RC256V |
| 64KB | MB85RC512T |
| 128KB | MB85RC1MT |
Address = 0x50 (default) .. 0x57
## Interface
### Constructor
- **FRAM(TwoWire \*wire = &Wire)** Constructor with optional Wire interface.
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- **int begin(uint8_t address = 0x50, int8_t writeProtectPin = -1)** address and writeProtectPin is optional.
- **int begin(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl, uint8_t address = 0x50, int8_t writeProtectPin = -1)** idem fro ESP32 a.o.
- **bool isConnected()** checks if the address is visible on the I2C bus.
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### Write & read
Support for basic types and 2 calls for generic object
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- **void write8(uint16_t memaddr, uint8_t value)** uint8_t
- **void write16(uint16_t memaddr, uint16_t value)** uint16_t
- **void write32(uint16_t memaddr, uint32_t value)** uint32_t
- **void write(uint16_t memaddr, uint8_t \* obj, uint16_t size)** other types / sizes
- **uint8_t read8(uint16_t memaddr)**
- **uint16_t read16(uint16_t memaddr)**
- **uint32_t read32(uint16_t memaddr)**
- **void read(uint16_t memaddr, uint8_t uint8_t \* obj, uint16_t size)**
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### Miscellaneous
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- **bool setWriteProtect(bool b)** make the FRAM write-protected by pulling line HIGH / LOW.
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Returns true if a writeProtectPin was defined.
Otherwise the FRAM cannot be write protected.
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- **bool getWriteProtect()** get current status.
- **uint16_t getManufacturerID()** idem.
- **uint16_t getProductID()** idem.
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- **uint16_t getSize()** returns size in KB.
## Operational
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See examples
## Future
- test
- extend examples
- example in which FRAM is used as buffer for some stream?
- example FRAM ring buffer