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2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00
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# statHelpers
Arduino library with a number of statistic helper functions.
## Description
This library contains functions that have the goal to help with
some basic statistical calculations.
## Functions
### Permutation
returns how many different ways one can choose a set of k elements
from a set of n. The order does matter.
The limits mentioned is the n for which all k still work.
- **uint32_t permutations(n, k)** exact up to 12
- **uint64_t permutations64(n, k)** exact up to 20
- **double dpermutations(n, k)** not exact up to 34 (4 byte) or 170 (8 byte)
If you need a larger n but k is near 0 the functions will still work, but
to which k differs per value for n. (no formula found, and an overflow
detection takes overhead).
- **nextPermutation<Type>(array, size)** given an array of type T it finds the next permutation
of that array in a lexicographical way. ABCD --> ABDC.
Based upon // http://www.nayuki.io/page/next-lexicographical-permutation-algorithm although
other same code examples exist.
### Factorial
- **uint32_t factorial(n)** exact up to 12!
- **uint64_t factorial64(n)** exact up to 20! (Print 64 bit ints with my printHelpers)
- **double dfactorial(n)** not exact up to 34! (4 byte) or 170! (8 byte)
- **double stirling(n)** approximation function for factorial (right magnitude)
**dfactorial()** is quite accurate over the whole range.
**stirling()** is up to 3x faster for large n (> 100),
but accuracy is less than the **dfactorial()**, see example.
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### SemiFactorial
- **uint32_t semiFactorial(n)** exact up to 20!!
- **uint64_t semiFactorial64(n)** exact up to 33!! (Print 64 bit integers with my printHelpers)
- **double dSemiFactorial(n)** not exact up to 56!! (4 byte) or 300!! (8 byte)
SemiFactorial are defined for
- **odd** values: n x (n-2) x (n-4) ... x 1
- **even** values: n x (n-2) x (n-4) ... x 2
```n! = n!! x (n-1)!!``` this formula allows to calculate the value of n! indirectly
### Combinations
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returns how many different ways one can choose a set of k elements
from a set of n. The order does not matter.
The number of combinations grows fast so n is limited per function.
The limits mentioned is the n for which all k still work.
- **uint32_t combinations(n, k)** n = 0 .. 30 (iterative version)
- **uint64_t combinations64(n, k)** n = 0 .. 61 (iterative version)
- **uint32_t rcombinations(n, k)** n = 0 .. 30 (recursive version, slightly slower)
- **uint64_t rcombinations64(n, k)** n = 0 .. 61 (recursive version, slightly slower)
- **double dcombinations(n, k)** n = 0 .. 125 (4bit) n = 0 .. 1020 (8 bit)
If you need a larger n but k is near 0 or near n the functions will still work,
but for which k differs per value for n. (no formula found, and an overflow
detection takes overhead).
- **combPascal(n, k)** n = 0 .. 30 but due to double recursion per iteration it takes
time and a lot of it for larger values. Added for recreational purposes, limited tested.
## Notes
- **perm1** is a sketch in the examples that shows a recursive permutation
algorithm. It generates all permutations of a given char string.
It allows you to process every instance.
It is added to this library as it fits in the context.
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### Experimental - large numbers
- **void bigFactorial(uint32_t n, double &mantissa, uint32_t &exponent)** returns a double mantissa between 0 and 10, and an integer exponent.
- **void bigPermutation(uint32_t n, uint32_t k, double &mantissa, uint32_t &exponent)** returns a double mantissa between 0 and 10, and an integer exponent.
- **void bigCombination(uint32_t n, uint32_t k, double &mantissa, uint32_t &exponent)** returns a double mantissa between 0 and 10, and an integer exponent.
An experimental **bigFactorial(n)** calculation to get an idea of the big numbers. it can calculate factorials up to an exponent of 4294967295 max. 100.000.000! can be done in 38 minutes on an ESP32 @240 Mhz. Maximum value for n is **518678059! == 2.1718890e4294967292** a number that took ~10 hrs to calculate.
An experimental **bigPermutation(n, k)** calculation, to handle big numbers too. Maximum value for n is **518678059** to have full range support. For small(er) values of k, n can even be much larger, but not larger than 4294967295 max.
An experimental **bigCombination(n, k)** calculation for big numbers. Not investigated what its maximum value is, but it should be higher than **518678059** as the number of combinations is always smaller than number of permutations.
#### Experimental - not investigated yet
To have support for huge numbers one could upgrade the code to use uint64_t as parameter and internally but calculating these values could take a lot of time, although **bigPermutations64(n, k)** and **bigCombinations64(n, k)** would work fast for small values of k.
- **void bigFactorial64(uint64_t n, double &mantissa, uint64_t &exponent)** returns a double mantissa between 0 and 10, and an integer exponent.
- **void bigPermutation64(uint64_t n, uint64_t k, double &mantissa, uint64_t &exponent)** returns a double mantissa between 0 and 10, and an integer exponent.
- **void bigCombination64(uint64_t n, uint64_t k, double &mantissa, uint64_t &exponent)** returns a double mantissa between 0 and 10, and an integer exponent.
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## Future
- code & example for get Nth Permutation
- investigate valid range detection for a given (n, k) for combinations and permutations.
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- investigate a bigFloat class to do math for permutations and combinations to substantially larger values.
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## Operation
See examples