- **float getFactor()** returns the inner conversion factor from Hz to Watt/cm2.
- **void setWavelength(uint16_t wavelength = 635)** sets the wavelength so the formulas can use a correction factor. At the default wavelength of 635 nm the wavelength correction factor == 1.0
- **uint16_t getWavelength()** returns the set wavelength. Convenience function.
- **float getWaveLengthFactor()** returns the wavelength correction factor.
As the sensor is most sensitive around 750 nm this value helps to normalize the signal.
This works only for (almost) monochomatic light.
- **void setVoltage(float voltage)** sets the voltage so the formulas can use a correction factor.
This voltage correction factor is rather small <1.5%
- **float getVoltage()** returns the set voltage. Convenience function.
## Operations
See examples for typical usage.
## Future
- investigate correction factor for white light and mixed light sources.