2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00
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2020-11-27 11:10:47 +01:00
# DS28CM00
2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00
2020-11-27 11:10:47 +01:00
Arduino library for I2C DS28CM00 unique identification chip. \[48 bit\]
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2020-11-27 11:10:47 +01:00
## Description
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2020-11-27 11:10:47 +01:00
THe DS28CM00 IC has a 64 bit address consisting of one type byte, 0x50, 6 bytes unique serial and a CRC
over the previous 7 bytes. This results in an 48 bits unique ID giving 281.474.976.710.656 combinations.
If that number is not unique enough, you could use 2 or more of them with an I2C multiplexer.
The DS28CM00 IC has the same addressing scheme as the better known DS18B20, except for the type byte.
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Therefore one could use an DS18B20 as an unique ID chip in a similar way and getting a temperature sensor
2020-11-27 11:10:47 +01:00
as bonus.
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The DS28CM00 can work in 2 modes, I2C and SMBus mode. Check datasheet for details.
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2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00
## Interface
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### Constructor
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- **DS28CM00(TwoWire \*wire = &Wire)** Constructor, with default Wire as I2C bus.
- **DS28CM00(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin)** Constructor for ESP32, ESP8266 et al.
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### public
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- **void begin()** initializes I2C bus, sets default DS28CM00_I2C_MODE.
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- **bool getUID(uint8_t \*serial)** get unique 8 bytes serial number or error.
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Returns false if action failed.
- **bool setI2CMode()** set DS28CM00_I2C_MODE (0x00). Returns false if action failed.
- **bool setSMBusMode()** set DS28CM00_SMBUS_MODE (0x01). Returns false if action failed.
- **bool getMode(uint8_t &mode)** returns mode set above. Returns false if action failed.
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2020-11-27 11:10:47 +01:00
## Operation
See examples.
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The class is not tested extensively e.g. with ESP32 / ESP8266.
2021-10-26 14:02:32 +02:00
An example sketch for ESP32 exist and compiles. Feedback welcome.
## Future
- **bool getUID4()** to read only 4 bytes to improve performance. Possible?
- **bool getUID(4)** number of bytes as parameter?
- **uint8_t getError()** add error handling? - I2C; #bytes; mode; ...
- measure performance I2C 400 500 600 kHz ...
- cache the serial? (costs 8 bytes)
- **bool isConnected()** check in begin.
- **bool begin()** return type upgrade.
- **uint8_t getMode()** if not connected error ..
2021-01-29 12:31:58 +01:00