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2022-12-01 17:28:33 +01:00
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# AD56X8
Experimental Library for the AD56X8 series digital analog convertor.
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
Note: not yet tested, TODO buy hardware.
2022-12-01 17:28:33 +01:00
Feedback, issues, improvements are welcome.
Please file an issue on GitHub.
## Description
The AD56X8 is an 8 channel DAC convertor, that has 12, 14 or 16 bit accuracy.
Furthermore it is available in 2.5 V and 5.0 V version, see table below.
The device allows to set the outputs directly, or prepare them and update them simultaneously (Latch DAC).
| type | output | resolution | power up |
| AD5668-1 | 2.5 V | 16 bit | 0.0 V |
| AD5648-1 | 2.5 V | 14 bit | 0.0 V |
| AD5628-1 | 2.5 V | 12 bit | 0.0 V |
| AD5668-3 | 5.0 V | 16 bit | **2.5 V** |
| AD5668-2 | 5.0 V | 16 bit | 0.0 V |
| AD5648-2 | 5.0 V | 14 bit | 0.0 V |
| AD5628-2 | 5.0 V | 12 bit | 0.0 V |
The library is usable but not functional complete yet.
At least it lacks support for:
- RESET pin,
- LDAC pin,
- VREF pin.
- other points mentioned in future section below.
## Links
This library is partly inspired by https://github.com/bobhart/AD5668-Library, kudo's to Bob!
Discussed here - https://forum.arduino.cc/t/new-library-for-the-ad5668-dac/340393
Furthermore it has the SPI part from https://github.com/RobTillaart/MCP_DAC a.o.
Some differences between this library and Bob Harts. This library
- caches the values of all channels, so they can be read back.
- has derived classes for every specific type DAC.
This allows value range checking in the future. Not Implemented Yet.
- caches the LDAC mask, so it can be read back and updated.
- has extended (ESP32) SPI interface (similar and tested with MCP_DAC)
- allows to set SPI-speed.
- has faster software SPI transfer, on ESP32 this rivals HW SPI.
- MIT license instead of GNU v3
## Interface
#include "AD56X8.h"
#### Base class
Should not be used to instantiate a device as the derived types have correct number of bits.
- **AD56X8(uint8_t slaveSelect)** constructor base class, sets HW SPI.
Uses default a 16 bit interface.
Sets internal values to zero.
- **AD56X8(uint8_t spiData, uint8_t spiClock, uint8_t slaveSelect)** constructor, sets SW SPI.
Uses default a 16 bit interface.
Sets internal values to zero.
- **begin()** initializes the SPI and sets internal state.
#### Set DAC
- **bool setValue(uint8_t channel, uint16_t value)** set value to the output immediately, effectively a prepare + update in one call.
Returns false if channel out of range.
- **uint16_t getValue(uint8_t channel)** returns set OR prepared value.
At power up the DAC's will be reset to 0 V except the AD5668-3 (2.5V).
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- **bool setPercentage(uint8_t channel, float percentage)** idem.
- **float getPercentage(uint8_t channel)** idem.
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- **bool prepareChannel(uint8_t channel, uint16_t value)** prepares the value for a channel.
Returns false if channel out of range.
- **bool updateChannel(uint8_t channel)** writes the prepared value to ADC.
Returns false if channel out of range.
- **void updateAllChannels()** writes all prepared channels to their ADC simultaneously by applying a SW latch pulse (LDAC).
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Note: the valid range of **value** is not checked by the library.
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#### LDAC
The AD56X8 has an LDAC register with one bit per channel.
This is to configure which channels are updated simultaneously.
Read datasheet for details.
- **void setLDACmask(uint8_t mask = 0x00)** sets 8 channels with one call by using a bit mask. Default value 0x00 clears all channels.
- **uint8_t getLDACmask()** return the current (cached) LDAC bit mask, default = 0x00.
- **bool inLDACmask(uint8_t channel)** returns true if a channel is in the current LDAC bit mask.
Returns also false if channel is out of range.
#### Powermode
- **bool setPowerMode(uint8_t powerDownMode, uint8_t mask = 0x00)** powerDownMode = 0..3.
Default is setting the channels to **PWR_NORMAL**.
Returns false if powerDownMode is out of range.
| mode | define |
| 0x00 | AD56X8_PWR_NORMAL |
| 0x01 | AD56X8_PWR_1K |
| 0x02 | AD56X8_PWR_100K |
| 0x03 | AD56X8_PWR_TRI |
#### Misc
- **void reset()** software reset.
- **bool setClearCode(uint8_t CCmode)** Set the startup value.
CCmode = 0..3, see table below.
Returns false if mode out of range.
| mode | define | notes |
| 0x00 | AD56X8_CC_0000 |
| 0x01 | AD56X8_CC_8000 |
| 0x02 | AD56X8_CC_FFFF |
| 0x03 | AD56X8_CC_NOP | do not use => Read datasheet.
#### SPI
- **void setSPIspeed(uint32_t speed)** sets SPI clock in **Hz**, please read datasheet
of the ADC first to get optimal speed.
- **uint32_t getSPIspeed()** gets current speed in **Hz**.
- **bool usesHWSPI()** returns true if HW SPI is used.
#### SPI ESP32 specific
("inherited" from MPC_DAC library)
- **void selectHSPI()** in case hardware SPI, the ESP32 has two options HSPI and VSPI.
- **void selectVSPI()** see above.
- **bool usesHSPI()** returns true if HSPI is used.
- **bool usesVSPI()** returns true if VSPI is used.
The **selectVSPI()** or the **selectHSPI()** needs to be called
BEFORE the **begin()** function.
- **void setGPIOpins(uint8_t clk, uint8_t miso, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t select)**
overrule GPIO pins of ESP32 for hardware SPI. needs to be called AFTER the **begin()** function.
Note: earlier experiments shows that on a ESP32 SW-SPI is equally fast as HW-SPI and in fact a bit more stable.
The SW pulses are a bit slower than the HW pulses and therefore more square. The HW-SPI has some overhead SW-SPI hasn't.
### Derived classes (preferred use)
The parameters for the specific constructors are identical
to the base class.
- **AD5668_3(..)** constructor, 16 bit.
Starts up at **midscale = 32768**.
- **AD5668(..)** constructor, 16 bit.
- **AD5648(..)** constructor, 14 bit.
- **AD5628(..)** constructor, 12 bit.
## Operation
The examples (should) show the basic working of the functions.
Note that the library is not tested with hardware yet.
(based upon datasheet)
## Future
#### Must
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2022-12-01 17:28:33 +01:00
- update and improve documentation
- get test hardware
- test the library
- write unit test
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
- check TODO in code
- investigate different type for AD5668_3
- it does midscale
- need different reset?
2022-12-01 17:28:33 +01:00
#### Should
2023-01-10 19:34:29 +01:00
2022-12-01 17:28:33 +01:00
- write examples
- power mode
- support for RESET pin
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
- void **setResetPin(uint8_t pin)**
- void **triggerReset()**
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- support for LDAC pin
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- void **setLDACPin(uint8_t pin)**
- void **triggerLDAC()**
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- support for EXTERNAL VREF
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
- ?
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- investigate value range checking for AD5648 and AD5628
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
- now **setValue()** returns false if value > max,
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- should value be clipped instead?
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
- **setPercentage()** idem.
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- **bool loadLDAC()** TODO?
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#### Could
2023-01-10 19:34:29 +01:00
2022-12-01 17:28:33 +01:00
- CCmode + reset implies start value for getValue(ch)
- is this implementable? costs?
2023-01-18 19:45:11 +01:00
#### Wont