# Switch Example ## Build and Flash firmware Follow the ESP RainMaker Documentation [Get Started](https://rainmaker.espressif.com/docs/get-started.html) section to build and flash this firmware. Just note the path of this example. ## What to expect in this example? - This example uses the BOOT button and RGB LED on the ESP32-S2-Saola-1/ESP32-C3-DevKitC board to demonstrate a switch. - The LED state (green color) indicates the state of the switch. - Pressing the BOOT button will toggle the state of the switch and hence the LED. This will also reflect on the phone app. - Toggling the button on the phone app should toggle the LED on your board, and also print messages like these on the ESP32-S2 monitor: ``` I (16073) app_main: Received value = true for Switch - power ``` ### LED not working? The ESP32-S2-Saola-1 board has the RGB LED connected to GPIO 18. However, a few earlier boards may have it on GPIO 17. Please use `CONFIG_WS2812_LED_GPIO` to set the appropriate value. ### Reset to Factory Press and hold the BOOT button for more than 3 seconds to reset the board to factory defaults. You will have to provision the board again to use it.