menu "mDNS" config MDNS_MAX_INTERFACES int "Max number of interfaces" range 1 9 default 3 help Number of network interfaces to be served by the mDNS library. Lowering this number helps to reduce some static RAM usage. config MDNS_MAX_SERVICES int "Max number of services" default 10 help Services take up a certain amount of memory, and allowing fewer services to be open at the same time conserves memory. Specify the maximum amount of services here. config MDNS_TASK_PRIORITY int "mDNS task priority" range 1 255 default 1 help Allows setting mDNS task priority. Please do not set the task priority higher than priorities of system tasks. Compile time warning/error would be emitted if the chosen task priority were too high. config MDNS_ACTION_QUEUE_LEN int "Maximum actions pending to the server" range 8 64 default 16 help Allows setting the length of mDNS action queue. config MDNS_TASK_STACK_SIZE int "mDNS task stack size" default 4096 help Allows setting mDNS task stacksize. choice MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY prompt "mDNS task affinity" default MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_CPU0 help Allows setting mDNS tasks affinity, i.e. whether the task is pinned to CPU0, pinned to CPU1, or allowed to run on any CPU. config MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_NO_AFFINITY bool "No affinity" config MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_CPU0 bool "CPU0" config MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_CPU1 bool "CPU1" depends on !FREERTOS_UNICORE endchoice config MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY hex default FREERTOS_NO_AFFINITY if MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_NO_AFFINITY default 0x0 if MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_CPU0 default 0x1 if MDNS_TASK_AFFINITY_CPU1 config MDNS_SERVICE_ADD_TIMEOUT_MS int "mDNS adding service timeout (ms)" range 10 30000 default 2000 help Configures timeout for adding a new mDNS service. Adding a service fails if could not be completed within this time. config MDNS_TIMER_PERIOD_MS int "mDNS timer period (ms)" range 10 10000 default 100 help Configures period of mDNS timer, which periodically transmits packets and schedules mDNS searches. config MDNS_NETWORKING_SOCKET bool "Use BSD sockets for mDNS networking" default n help Enables optional mDNS networking implementation using BSD sockets in UDP multicast mode. This option creates a new thread to serve receiving packets (TODO). This option uses additional N sockets, where N is number of interfaces. config MDNS_SKIP_SUPPRESSING_OWN_QUERIES bool "Skip suppressing our own packets" default n help Enable only if the querier and the responder share the same IP address. This usually happens in test mode, where we may run multiple instances of responders/queriers on the same interface. config MDNS_ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINTS bool "Enable debug prints of mDNS packets" default n help Enable for the library to log received and sent mDNS packets to stdout. config MDNS_ENABLE_CONSOLE_CLI bool "Enable Command Line Interface on device console" default y help Enable for the console cli to be available on the device. config MDNS_RESPOND_REVERSE_QUERIES bool "Enable responding to IPv4 reverse queries" default n help Enables support for IPv4 reverse lookup. If enabled, the mDNS library response to PTR queries of "" type. config MDNS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCE bool "Multiple instances under the same service type" default y help Enables adding multiple service instances under the same service type. menu "MDNS Predefined interfaces" config MDNS_PREDEF_NETIF_STA bool "Use predefined interface for WiFi Station" default y help Set up mDNS for the default WiFi station. Disable this option if you do not need mDNS on default WiFi STA. config MDNS_PREDEF_NETIF_AP bool "Use predefined interface for WiFi Access Point" default y help Set up mDNS for the default WiFi Access Point. Disable this option if you do not need mDNS on default WiFi AP. config MDNS_PREDEF_NETIF_ETH bool "Use predefined interface for Ethernet" depends on ETH_ENABLED default y help Set up mDNS for the default Ethernet interface. Disable this option if you do not need mDNS on default Ethernet. endmenu # MDNS Predefined interfaces endmenu